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Thread: 250 Milestone

  1. #1

    250 Milestone

    Just thought it is interesting that the Grizzly Green Monster Group has reached a membership of 250 members as of today. It looks as if the GGMG is the most active of the "groups" and has lots of information available and questions that have been answered by the members of the group. Any owners of a Grizzly lathe are welcome to join, and even those who may not have a Grizz machine can also if they so desire.

    I began this group back in 2010 or 2011 if I recall, to have an available support group for Grizzly lathe owners, and those looking for reliable information on them, based on owner feedback. It has proven to be a useful and helpful group in its discussions/threads.

    I still get lots of inquiries into the 0766 and other models. In fact, I got an inquiry today over on the AAW forum, so anyone looking for definitive info on a number of the Grizzly models can find useful info on the GGMG.
    Last edited by Roger Chandler; 12-18-2017 at 9:08 PM.
    Remember, in a moments time, everything can change!

    Vision - not just seeing what is, but seeing what can be!

  2. #2
    Well Roger, I'm happy for you and your separate group. Personally, my feelings on a group like this are is that it should not exist. We have a turning forum on the site, and I feel that all turning and lathe issues should be posted there. To form a separate group for Grizz owner's, is not needed. If a separate group for Grizz owner's is required, then why isn't a separate forum required for all other brands of lathes? The GGMG only prevents most other turners, from seeing and reading any and all issues that might pertain to the lathe. It's just a way to hide any issues, it's like you are afraid people might get a bad impression of the Grizz lathes. If they are such a good and reputable lathe, we should all be informed about them. But, with the GGMG we never read anything about the lathes, it's all hidden in the private group. I know that I should not have posted this, because I will probably get more then enough negative feedback from posting it. But for the life of me, I will never understand why the group is needed. All it does, is stop all members from reading about the lathe and it's issues. All other lathes are talked about in the turner's forum,and the Grizzley lathes should be also. It wouldn't be much of a site, if this was common practice. Everyone would want their own separate forum, which would make being informed about all turning matters near impossible. I don't like having to jump all over the site to read what I'm interested in, forming separate groups like this causes a person to do that. I have never been to the GGMG forum, I doubt that I ever will. I will keep reading the postings made in the turner's forum, and be satisfied with what I get for info there. This has been an irratent of mine for a while, I just stayed quiet about it. But seeing your posting about how many members there was in the group, was the last straw. I finally decided to let my feelings be known. So there, I said what I wanted, let the negative comments begin...

  3. #3
    There exists a "Mustard Monster Group" online for Powermatic owners. The idea for the GGMG was simply a place for those interested in discussing things Grizzly. I have had some very negative comments when info was posted on this and other sites discussing the G0766. I could tell you stories, but that is all water under the bridge as far as I am concerned.

    The GGMG is open to anyone who wants to go one prevents any turner from reading, nor joining the discussions or the group as a whole. Len, I am sorry you are miffed that the GGMG even exists, but I don't see any problem with it. Many things related to Grizzly lathes have been on the main turners forum, but the GGMG is where owners try to help others with their questions, especially when someone has just gotten one, or is contemplating a purchase, but has questions. There are numerous other groups also....laser engraver, Alaskan Mill users, several others, some being related to geographical areas. Keith seems to have the groups function up for all SMC folks who want to utilize a group.........I have not heard any complaints about any of the other groups in the community section.

    I invite you to join in the are most welcome, Len! I'm not sure why the existence of the GGMG seems has existed since 2010, if my recollection serves me, perhaps early 2011, so all these years later, we suddenly have this reaction.
    Last edited by Roger Chandler; 12-19-2017 at 10:12 PM.
    Remember, in a moments time, everything can change!

    Vision - not just seeing what is, but seeing what can be!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    I'm glad that all the Creekers don't feel like you do. The group is open to everyone on the Creek and the members share information with each other regarding the Grizzly lathes. I like the fact that I am one of those 250 persons that share their knowledge and experience.

    Very negative opinion Len, I'll bet you're the life of a party.

    Jay Mullins
    Last edited by Jay Mullins; 12-19-2017 at 10:13 PM. Reason: typo

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Haubstadt (Evansville), Indiana
    I'm not a member of the group. I see some merit to Len's comments, however I think the group is a good idea. I did buy a new lathe this year. I bought the Laguna Revo 18-36. The main reason I didn't buy the G0766 was floor to spindle height. The Laguna just fit me better. As far as the group I'm sure some things discussed are of value to everyone, however I suspect the majority of discussions (I haven't looked at the discussions) are just of interest to Grizzly owners.
    Last edited by William C Rogers; 12-20-2017 at 8:05 PM.
    When working I had more money than time. In retirement I have more time than money. Love the time, miss the money.

  6. #6
    Len, I can see your view on things-- and while there have been some problems with the lathe, I in no way see the group as a way to hide or bury those problems. In fact, if you look through the posts, the majority seem to be projects or random questions ("Hey, what dimensions did you guys use for your ballast box?"). Having all of this information in one place makes it easy to track down for fellow owners.
    Licensed Professional Engineer,
    Unlicensed Semi Professional Tinkerer

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Schrum View Post
    Len, I can see your view on things-- and while there have been some problems with the lathe, I in no way see the group as a way to hide or bury those problems. In fact, if you look through the posts, the majority seem to be projects or random questions ("Hey, what dimensions did you guys use for your ballast box?"). Having all of this information in one place makes it easy to track down for fellow owners.
    Matt, you are correct...there have been a small handful of problems from about 3,maybe 4 G0766 units that I am aware of...posted here and elsewhere. I have not seen any greater amount of issues from the G0766 than I have from any other make. What mostly trips folks up is that the G0766 is manufactured and sold to markets in Europe and Asia as well as here in North America. The metric dimensions of the banjo hole - 25mm, and the metric dimension of the spindle boss 1.260" is what most of the chatter is about. Two adjustments by owners by filing down the spindle boss to the 1.250" that most aftermarket chuck inserts use, is what caused some to be alarmed, and of course enlarging the banjo hole to 1" diameter [1/64th"] to use toolrests and coring rigs/threading jigs etc, both being such an easy and quick adjustments, that it makes sense to do.

    Two units had a spindle thread issue, quickly corrected by Grizzly with sending out new spindles, and phone tech support for the repair was offered. The others were the potentiometers developed a parts sent out by Grizzly to take care of it. Of course Grizzly made a design correction with the larger banjo's and sent them out, and for the better part of two years now, the larger banjo has come with the unit.

    In the grand scheme of things, the issues were not any more numerous than what I have read about other more popular makes. I have seen posts that stated motors/inverters being replaced on PM and Jet units. I think there was one headstock replacement that was sent out for the Grizzly 0766, as I recall. They try to do the quickest and easiest for the customer, but that does not mean the actual problem was one that needed a full headstock replacement.
    You are quite correct........there is nothing about the Grizzly Green Monster Group that is trying to hide any problems with any lathe........just the opposite....we talk about things/issues, etc., when and if they arise. This GGMG group is just a treasure trove of information for folks looking to get the facts. There are threads about coring rigs that work with the G0766 and others about aftermarket tool rests, etc. so a useful group to say the least.

    One observation that is absolutely true about forums........the bad will always get highlighted, but the good hardly gets a mention. I have never felt that is fair at all. The vast majority of G0766 owners are delighted with the performance and value of their machine. It will keep pace with any of the 11 3520b's I have turned on. Of course there are some 3520b owners that will not agree with that statement and that is there prerogative, but the G0766, as you well know, is the real deal!

    I just want true perspectives to be out there and not false impressions about the lathe from people who do not even own one. I have absolutely no affiliation with Grizzly, except I have owned two of their lathes and have one of their bandsaws.......all of which have served me extremely well, with ZERO problems.

    As far as the OP's comments are concerned, his feelings are his, and I do not disparage them......I do not think however, it is too much for a member of SMC to click on the groups and read if they desire information. It is, as you say, a place where the information is one place and is easily accessible to any member to read......or comment on, if they join the group, which is open to all.
    Remember, in a moments time, everything can change!

    Vision - not just seeing what is, but seeing what can be!

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Chandler View Post
    Matt, you are correct...there have been a small handful of problems from about 3,maybe 4 G0766 units that I am aware of...posted here and elsewhere.
    Since contemplating getting a large lathe, initially the G0766 was at the top of my list. However, since I started reading these forums about a year ago, my overall impression of the G0766 was that most people have had minor issues (potentiometer, etc.) and a couple have had major issues. Combined with the need to file down the spindle and drill out the tool rest from the start, it has been enough to scare me away. I would love the G0766 to work out given the size and price, but I don't consider myself handy enough to deal with all of the baggage it comes with (at least that is the overall impression I've gotten). Maybe it is just what you say, that the negative gets a lot more attention than the good. It does seem like almost everyone that owns one loves it, despite all the real (or perceived) problems.

  9. #9
    For what it is worth, I was one of the originals that preordered the G0766. Besides drilling out the new banjo from 25mm to an inch (the banjo that shipped with the first batch was a bit short for the swing of the lathe, but they replaced it for free and the standard banjo size is fine now-- still 25mm post though), I've had zero issues with the lathe. To me, the problems and number of problems that have cropped up on this forum seem to be minor and no worse or more than any other lathe or similar non-professional woodworking equipment. As a Grizzly owner I'm biased, but I do feel like most of the bad rap Grizzly gets is undeserved and from people that haven't run the equipment through it's paces. I'm unreasonably happy with my purchase for the amount of lathe I got at the pricepoint I paid for it. It's been an awesome tool and I'd recommend it wholeheartedly for anyone lathe shopping that doesn't have a $10K budget.
    Licensed Professional Engineer,
    Unlicensed Semi Professional Tinkerer

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Schrum View Post
    For what it is worth, I was one of the originals that preordered the G0766. Besides drilling out the new banjo from 25mm to an inch (the banjo that shipped with the first batch was a bit short for the swing of the lathe, but they replaced it for free and the standard banjo size is fine now-- still 25mm post though), I've had zero issues with the lathe. To me, the problems and number of problems that have cropped up on this forum seem to be minor and no worse or more than any other lathe or similar non-professional woodworking equipment. As a Grizzly owner I'm biased, but I do feel like most of the bad rap Grizzly gets is undeserved and from people that haven't run the equipment through it's paces. I'm unreasonably happy with my purchase for the amount of lathe I got at the pricepoint I paid for it. It's been an awesome tool and I'd recommend it wholeheartedly for anyone lathe shopping that doesn't have a $10K budget.
    Thanks, Matt. I appreciate you sharing your experience and I'm certainly not trying to knock the G0766 but for someone like me without a lot of mechanical/electrical/shop experience, these issues can seem overwhelming. Just looking back a year or two, I see 5-6 posts about replacing the potentiometer, 3-4 replaced spindles (some needed to do it a couple of times), 3 with loose bearings in the live center, 1 failed VFD, a couple that had to have the headstock replaced, and at least one person that had to have the whole lathe replaced after multiple attempts at fixing their issues (these are just from a quick search on SMC).

    While some of these issues may be user-error or this may be par for the course, in my limited experience I have only rarely heard of similar issues with other lathes. Have others with similar sizes of lathes had similar problems (particularly Laguna 1836, Jet 1640/42, PM3520B)?
    Thanks, Tom

  11. Quote Originally Posted by Thomas Wilson80 View Post
    Since contemplating getting a large lathe, initially the G0766 was at the top of my list. However, since I started reading these forums about a year ago, my overall impression of the G0766 was that most people have had minor issues (potentiometer, etc.) and a couple have had major issues. Combined with the need to file down the spindle and drill out the tool rest from the start, it has been enough to scare me away. I would love the G0766 to work out given the size and price, but I don't consider myself handy enough to deal with all of the baggage it comes with (at least that is the overall impression I've gotten). Maybe it is just what you say, that the negative gets a lot more attention than the good. It does seem like almost everyone that owns one loves it, despite all the real (or perceived) problems.
    Not even close, Thomas. Only a very few [perhaps 5 maybe 6?] have reported problems online. Some problems like a stuck chuck is because they did not realize that the insert on their chuck would not fit all the way back. That in and of itself is inconsistent and not always the lathe. Some chucks fit right out of the gate, some do not. I have found not all inserts are machined to the same dimensions. With all the makes out there of chucks, I have heard Bulldog Chucks fit without mods [I cannot personally verify that] and Grizzly chucks certainly do. One owner said his Hurricane chucks fit without mods, so chuck manufacturers have different specs as well as lathe manufacturers! The key is to get knowledge, and that is available on the GGMG.
    I took the spindle boss down on my G0766 as soon as I got it set up, and I use both SuperNova and Hurricane chucks, so I cannot speak to what others have posted, except they say it is their experience. I truly think people read one or five posts, do not understand the entire perspective, and make judgments that are incorrect. If you want the truth, then speak with an owner personally. You are welcome to send me a private message, and we can communicate. I have a good amount of turning on other machines......Robust American Beauty, Powermatic 3520b's, Serious SL2542, Jets 1642 evs models, 18/47 Grizzly [owned one for nearly 6 years] lots of midi's etc, so I understand what quality and performance is..........the 0766 is the real deal!
    Remember, in a moments time, everything can change!

    Vision - not just seeing what is, but seeing what can be!

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Chandler View Post
    Not even close, Thomas. Only a very few [perhaps 5 maybe 6?] have reported problems online. Some problems like a stuck chuck is because they did not realize that the insert on their chuck would not fit all the way back. That in and of itself is inconsistent and not always the lathe. Some chucks fit right out of the gate, some do not. I have found not all inserts are machined to the same dimensions. With all the makes out there of chucks, I have heard Bulldog Chucks fit without mods [I cannot personally verify that] and Grizzly chucks certainly do. One owner said his Hurricane chucks fit without mods, so chuck manufacturers have different specs as well as lathe manufacturers! The key is to get knowledge, and that is available on the GGMG.
    I took the spindle boss down on my G0766 as soon as I got it set up, and I use both SuperNova and Hurricane chucks, so I cannot speak to what others have posted, except they say it is their experience. I truly think people read one or five posts, do not understand the entire perspective, and make judgments that are incorrect. If you want the truth, then speak with an owner personally. You are welcome to send me a private message, and we can communicate. I have a good amount of turning on other machines......Robust American Beauty, Powermatic 3520b's, Serious SL2542, Jets 1642 evs models, 18/47 Grizzly [owned one for nearly 6 years] lots of midi's etc, so I understand what quality and performance is..........the 0766 is the real deal!
    Thanks Roger. I really like the idea of the G0766 but am worried I won't be able to deal with possible issues due to my lack of experience/knowledge. As I stated, it seems like most everyone that owns the G0766 loves it, which goes a long way. Maybe it is a great lathe, but maybe just not for someone of limited experience like myself. I'll keep watching for more info as I continue to save for a bigger lathe.


  13. Quote Originally Posted by Thomas Wilson80 View Post
    Thanks Roger. I really like the idea of the G0766 but am worried I won't be able to deal with possible issues due to my lack of experience/knowledge. As I stated, it seems like most everyone that owns the G0766 loves it, which goes a long way. Maybe it is a great lathe, but maybe just not for someone of limited experience like myself. I'll keep watching for more info as I continue to save for a bigger lathe.


    Good luck Tom! Perhaps you can find someone near you who owns a G0766 and ask to try it out! Ask turning clubs in your area, and perhaps put out a call on this forum for someone in your might just be very pleasantly surprised and find out the mods we've been talking about are so easy, you will wonder why you were wishes!
    Remember, in a moments time, everything can change!

    Vision - not just seeing what is, but seeing what can be!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Harvey, Michigan
    Thomas, do you belong to a turning club? If so, I highly recommend getting with your members and spending some turning time on various lathes before buying anything. Reason, besides costing lots of money, is that not all lathes are a good fit and that fit will depend on your style of turning and what works best for you.

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  15. Quote Originally Posted by Steve Schlumpf View Post
    Thomas, do you belong to a turning club? If so, I highly recommend getting with your members and spending some turning time on various lathes before buying anything. Reason, besides costing lots of money, is that not all lathes are a good fit and that fit will depend on your style of turning and what works best for you.
    Very sound advice....2 thumbs up, Steve!
    Remember, in a moments time, everything can change!

    Vision - not just seeing what is, but seeing what can be!

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