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Thread: Colonial Williamsburg

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Lake Gaston, Henrico, NC
    I hope, when you were in Old Salem, that you had time to visit the Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts.

    If not, plan to go back, and have several hours to spend there. They have complete original rooms from different periods.

    The shop in Williamsburg is better.

    edited to add: When approaching Jamestown on the ferry, look over to where you think the original colony started. Someone on board might be able to tell you. I was riding across there with an Architectural Historian, soon after they had found the original location. He told me that they hadn't ever looked there before, and it had been a long time. I told him that they must not have ever looked from the water. The colonists came by boat. That was the first place I would have looked.
    Last edited by Tom M King; 01-11-2019 at 10:20 AM.

  2. #17
    Conference has been excellent so far. Said hello to Warren today and got to meet Steve Voigt. Steve gave an excellent presentation on the plane and workshop practices of the Nicholson/ Cesar Chelar workshop. Thoroughly enjoyable.
    Dave Anderson

    Chester, NH

  3. #18
    George Wilson is the star of the show at : . 3 parts are posted now.

  4. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian Holcombe View Post
    If you guys get a chance, use some of Steve's planes...they are sublime!

    May I add an amen brother.


  5. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Washington, DC Metro Area
    So, funny thing...I spent the first couple of days of the conference sitting next to this nice guy, with lots of interesting observations, named Warren. I ran into Warren at the blacksmith's shop during one of the lunch breaks, and there he is asking Ken Schwarz all these insightful questions. Had a nice conversation with him on the stroll back to the conference, and was overall glad to get to know him over the duration of the conference. All along I'm thinking: "where do I know that name...Warren Mickley?" It wasn't until I got back an checked back into SMC that I realized! In my defense, I met 20-30 people at the conference whom I already knew of, or only knew online.
    Mark Maleski

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