HI everyone..I acquired three 6 foot long by 12 inch wide by 2.5-3 inch thick pieces of cherry with the bark included... very wild curly grain..beautiful pieces... trouble is.. they have quite a twist in them... rather than plane the twist out.. (winding sticks and all) and remove a substantial amount of wood, I am trying to find other options..two I have come up with..no idea if they would work or not... first, hog out the under side and effectively make the board thinnere and then glue in a thick hard piece of lumber to counteract the twist.. or second bolt on a steel plate.. take out as much twist as the plate and lag bolts could handle, and the planing the rest of the (hopefully) minimized twist out...

the thickness and size of the lumber will make great hall tables..if i can untwist them without removing too much lumber...hope thats clear enough.. thanks for your help..
