I just got done reading what google offered from here-in, OWWM.com and a couple other places like FW magazine forum.
Not one of those other threads covers the paint formula, so on, 1987 gold M66 table saw I just brought home.
Just saying don't waste your time re-hashing them for my purpose as none have a source or paint formula for my specific model year.
I prefer not to pay $25 a rattle can from Powermatic customer service, plus it seems they sell one gold can now but used several golds over the years so it's wrong for my saw. I am well aware of auto body paint suppliers paint matching on vehicles as I used to sideline in re-building wrecked cars and did my own paintwork for years. I much prefer a better paint than regular rattle can paint and shoot it myself.
In the end I want to repaint my cabinet even though it's mostly decent looking saw. Call it a 15-20 foot saw paint wise? Up close it is like me, aged.