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Thread: for the coffee drinkers

  1. #1

    for the coffee drinkers

    Not meaning to give you a bunch of homework and past Gundry has done diet you tubes that make me crazy. These below have lots of good to say about coffee if you are interested. Ironically I just got the neighbours son Ethiopian coffee from a store in toronto. he opened it in Luxemberg and said its the best coffee hes had.

    Dr Gundry

    Ethiopian Coffee

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Inkerman, Ontario, Canada
    I ain't buying whatever he is selling.

  3. #3
    agree didnt buy his, in the beginning it was only info then this is a sales thing. Doesnt matter its the info and i have a good coffee place. I did give Ethiopian to a friend and he just emailed from Luxemberg. Just tried it said its the best coffee hes ever had.

    If you listened to coast to coast past Wallack had lot of info on health stuff but then had a whole line of supplements. No interest but there was a Pharmacist on there and he talked which foods for what and that fit with me. 15 or 20 years ago they were saying all our health originates in our gut on those shows and now the rest of the world is catching up and saying the same. Now they are even looking at Scizophrenia and more and tying it to the gut biome.

    They also talked about a plane that flew around with famous people and hanky panky stuff. 15 years after i heard those first shows everyone found out who that was. I didnt believe it at the time but sure enough it was accurate.

    Telling me stuff and then having a solution reminds me of politicians that have a solution. Half the time they have made the problems.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Modesto, CA, USA
    What about the predigested coffee beans from Civet cat poop? Supposed to taste real good with a musky taste. I bet it tastes like poop, literally.
    Bill D

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