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Thread: Dust Collection Alarm System

  1. #1

    Dust Collection Alarm System

    IMG-6594.jpg IMG-6593.jpg

    Was looking at the Oneida website when I bought the Super Dust Deputy and saw they have a "Bin Fill Indicator" alarm system. The sensor they use is a Banner Industries unit. I decided to do a little digging and found a Banner sensor that looks like what they are using.

    I search Amazon and the cheapest I could find it was $69. Searched eBay, and found it for $14 shipping from China. It was a new unit, and came in the original Banner packaging.

    The unit is the NPN version which means the load control lines are "Negative", which means you supply +12V to your loads, and the sensor supplies the neg side.

    The Banner sensor doesn't supply enough current to drive the siren, so I ordered a relay board off Amazon. I also ordered a 12V supply, enclosure, switch, green LED, and 4 pin connectors. I'll list all the links below. The only problem with the 4 pin connectors was, there is the usual screw that holds the insert in place, but they "staked" the other side which was preventing me from pulling the insert out to solder the wires to. I ended up using a small drill bit to drill out the stake.

    Other than that it was a pretty straight forward build. I wanted a power switch so it can be shut off once the alarm is trigger...the siren is pretty loud! The green LED will be on when the drum fill level is below the trip point set for the sensor, indicating the system is armed. The green LED will turn off and the siren will sound when the system is tripped. There is also a small green LED on the sensor itself to identify the sensor is powered up. I used my hand to adjusted the sensor so it will trip around 6-8" below the sensor. Right now the drum is filled about 12" below the top, so once the system is tripped, I'll measure the actual trip point. I'm not sure how "level" the dust rises in barrel, so we'll see how it looks once it trips.

    Adding up all the items I had to purchase, it cost me $75. That's half the price of the Oneida unit, and has more features. I had a good assortment of different color wires from a Jeep project a few years ago, so I carried over the color scheme of the Banner wires to the internal connector for it. Just made it easier to connect up in the box.

    I included a few pictures of the assembly, and schematics for how I connected everything up.

    Here's the links to all the items...

    Banner Sensor... u&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAA8CPLctJrHTi7Ok8XC0xVA%2Bu8E 8EnxR0BgCUXWQFgenCoL7sJ3Mrgigvnyp0Y62bSOQDHsszQ1kx i7PSQ3n1rSPAmqDCkmmSl2lxVluNfVzGCCbgiHAkkZHArV7gn7 RSIxddRzSHrqiuKpEPMuwTS16abAprehXwn0wW3KQIzfWBr7QK kre8gjaajsxYy7XsSHYz4HDLRUs%2BusQwD2qEVvtFiCYqNp4r uBD2e6XVHGbB1XM%2F8YQSj50FuaU6FwgZvd0Kdk%2FGpo0MJi jUk6ZbxyEtUB3UIKBomH1T7LLDXkCvMrYfwc6Ok9L3NcgFkOit RLg%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR-b70JjhYQ
    Banner Website Sensor...
    Relay Board...
    On/Off Switch...
    Mic Connectors...
    Green LED...
    12V Power Adapter... s

    Attachment 499784

    Banner Sensor.jpg

    Relay Module.jpg

    Drum Sensor Schematic 2.jpg
    Last edited by Glenn Leite; 04-17-2023 at 12:41 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Northeastern OK
    This should be added to the existing "sticky" topic for dust bin sensor. I know I sure like my version.

  3. #3
    I guess I should have looked closer at this forum group...didn't notice the sticky before posting.
    Good to know about the "delay" relay, I haven't had an issue with false alarms, but I'm still about 12" down.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Whidbey Island, WA
    Let us know how you get on with the siren going off while in the middle of a process. I've thought about wiring in a siren to my sensor, but would think it would scare me every time it goes off. I think some mellow beeping would be fine though.

  5. #5
    I'm planning to plane some poplar today and set it off, hopefully without false alarms. The planer with the DC running is pretty loud. It's the only time when I wear hearing protection in the shop. I figured the siren was needed to know the system was tripped...we'll see!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Fort Wayne, IN
    I got the system from Oneida on sale. Mine sets off a flashing red light. It gets my attention and doesn't startle. You don't have to catch it the second it goes off. A few minutes doesn't matter.

    The problem with the world is that intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.
    Charles Bukowski

  7. #7
    Triggered Chip Level.jpg

    The chip level was about 10" inches down from the sensor, figured this would be the perfect time to test it's sensitivity. Grabbed a piece of poplar and made a number of passes to trip the alarm. Got a little too aggressive on one pass! No false trigger as it got near the trip point. The siren isn't really that loud, I couldn't hear while there was wood being cut in the planer. I'm not worried about being "startled" by it!!!

    The barrel filled to a good level to move and empty...I'm calling this one DONE!! LOL

    Quick little video.

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