Hi all, haven't been able to get back to practice in a while (Israel is not a carefree place at the moment). last week I got time to do a tenon.
I'm a B- sawyer at best so I leave my cheeks fat and trim them down with a router plane. I was worried about over trimming it so I decided to set the depth stop. turns out I hate the depth stop, it slipped ruining my work. I can't understand why Veritas insists on attaching it to the screw instead of the way it is done on the LN.

But as is often the case, Derek Cohen had an answer in his blog. he made a depth stop of the Lie Nielsen style.

I fell in love.

the problem is I barely have a shop (my bench is half a bench on sawhorses) let alone a machinist shop (or a drill press).

So I was wondering if I could source one here? anyone willing and capable to make a depth stop that locks on the blade stem instead of the adjustment screw?
would be happy to pay a reasonable fee, just needs to be rock solid

thanks all