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Thread: I have an 8 years old son who is passionate about wood work. What should i do?

  1. #1

    Lightbulb I have an 8 years old son who is passionate about wood work. What should i do?

    How can I put him on the right track? I'm a terrible teacher despite being good at my craft. Please I need an advice. This is my first post on this great forum
    Lucas Brown

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Millstone, NJ
    Are you passionate as well?
    It will be similar to firearms everyone has a point in life when they are capable of using them safely. Some may be later than others and some never.

    But there are plenty of safer tools. A scroll saw may be a good place to start. I would also look at Rockler. They have all kinds of kits. Some which require few tools. I learn best by doing so these may work if hes the same.

    I have built a bunch of the Lowes kids projects(Little more than hammering a few nails) with my kids but they are 3&6 and show no real interest

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Colorado Springs
    Introduce him to hand tools. I wouldn't even consider getting an 8-year-old near power tools. Pardon me for being dark, but many a victim of child labor was seriously injured or killed by machinery in the early 20th century. I just don't think we can be sure about any person at that age being safe with power tools. Hand tools can still be dangerous, but not to the extreme which power tools are dangerous.

    Try to find old episodes of "The Woodwright's" shop with Roy Underhill. If your son learns how to use hand tools, he can eventually move onto power tools which will make him an excellent hybrid woodworker. If you can afford to buy him good quality hand tools, he can use them for the rest of his life and eventually hand them down to his grandchildren. Used hand tools are an excellent option if you can find them.
    Last edited by Pat Germain; 12-12-2023 at 3:11 PM.

  4. #4
    Welcome to the forum!
    My grandfather was a talented woodworker and boat builder. He is where I developed my interest in woodworking. Sadly he passed away shortly after I turned 9 years old and that was the end of my woodworking adventures until I became an adult. My most vivid memories of him were hanging out with him in his shop between the ages of 5-8 years of age. While he was planing a piece of wood with a hand planer, he would show me how to safely do it, and then depending upon the project, either give me a piece of wood to practice on my own, or he would allow me to plane that treasured piece of wood he was working on. I was on top of the world when I was allowed to "help him" plane his project. He took the time to show me how to use a band saw, lathe and scroll saw, while emphasizing the importance of safety and no loose clothing. (Keep in mind his power tools would have been slow moving machinery probably from the 1940's-1960's and I was not handling them.) He took me to visit his old sawmill friend and watch the guy cut a log and always stressing the importance of safety. (Plus having his friend show his hand with the missing finger to further stress importance of safety around saws!)

    All of the "learning" experiences with him always involved me bringing something home that was made of wood. It wasn't necessarily something I made, but most often something he made. It could have been a simple carving he whittled, or a small wood bowl or a toy truck or boat made of wood. All of them were easy things for a little kid to carry around and bring to Show and Tell days at school. Most important was he understood that this was all new to me and I was learning and absorbing everything my little kid brain could absorb. If I slipped with the chisel and created a gouge, there was no reason to get mad about it. It was a reason to teach me how to fix that gouge ... or a reminder to him that he should have let me practice on scrap wood first.

    I forgot to add ... I would look around for some fun kid-friendly woodworking project plans to do with your son.
    Last edited by Mike Chance in Iowa; 12-12-2023 at 3:58 PM.
    I read recipes the same way I read science fiction. I get to the end and I think, "Well, that’s not going to happen."

  5. #5
    5th grade middle schoolers use scroll saws in many middle schools. I taught 6th-8th grade middle school wood shop and had 6th graders on scroll saws and drill presses. I did think they did better when they learned to use coping saws first. 😉. Put the coping saw blade in with teeth facing forward and put the work piece in a small low vise. Always cut downhill, reposition the workpiece as you go so it is always down hill. Use 3/8 or 1/4” pine. I think he could sand the edge of a cut pattern in a small drill press with a 1” sanding drum. And drill a hole with you holding the work piece and coaching him. You have to be right there with him at that age for all of it.
    Nailing with holes predrilled on a drill press should work. 1 1/2” finish nails or 16# nails/ brads. Put piece in vice, you hold predrilled piece in place and he taps in the nail. Nailing without predrilled holes is probably not gonna work IMO.
    All kids develop at different rates. TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS. If it isn’t working, try something simpler!
    I know 8 year old isn’t middle school, but with your undivided assistance I bet he can do more than you might think!
    Last edited by Ron Citerone; 12-12-2023 at 4:01 PM.

  6. #6
    worked for an austrian guy who could have been made into a movie. His son had some accident about that age think on a jointer stuff was lost.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    NE Ohio
    Have him watch these videos.
    (tell him ignore any and all references to biscuit joiners)(substitute Festool Domino for that)

    Also there is a Woodcraft store located at:

    14605 Wright St, Omaha, NE 68144
    You can check with them for the class schedules.
    Last edited by Rich Engelhardt; 12-12-2023 at 4:25 PM.
    "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." - John Lennon

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Lake Gaston, Henrico, NC
    PM me your address and I’ll send him an old jewelers saw that will be safe and easy to use along with an assortment of blade sizes. I have a bunch of them and won’t miss one.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Clarks Summit PA
    Get him The All New Woodworking for Kids by Kevin Maguire. It is a gem. $4.99 used on the internet. I used it for my boys at that age and it got me hooked on woodworking over 20 years ago. All projects are done with hand tools. Highly recommended!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Peoria, IL
    I'd get him a scrollsaw and some intarsia patterns. You surely don't want to flood him with instructions because it will increase the stress and make him feel useless. Just let him cut to the lines of the patterns the best he can. Maybe improve on the blade guard with some pvc pipe painted red so it's clear that is the danger zone. With a mini lathe he could make some pens and honey dippers.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Lake Gaston, Henrico, NC
    I was building stuff when I was 8 too, but not much with wood.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  12. #12
    give him a sharp plane and let him plane the edge of some pine in the vise. Or even more so give him a wood plane as it will be louder.

    Also get him his real estate license then he can sell three homes a year make more than cabinet making and have lots of time to be in the shop doing what he loves if he does love it. Marry rich is also suggested though not yet.

    I love hearing stories from some people how they started answering the phone at their parents business at 12. Voice on the other end are you old enough to be answering the phone.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Clarks Summit PA
    Quote Originally Posted by Tom M King View Post
    I was building stuff when I was 8 too, but not much with wood.
    Nice pic Tom!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Lake Gaston, Henrico, NC
    Found it cleaning out my Mom’s house. Later than that picture I used a jewelers saw to make model car doors operable. That was my first model car contest. One reason I wanted to send this kid a jewelers saw, not necessarily for model building but general skill building pretty safely.
    Last edited by Tom M King; 12-12-2023 at 9:41 PM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Columbus, OH
    I agree with Ron, I think I was around 10 when I first got a scroll saw. I spent years cutting Christmas ornaments and similar projects with it before getting more tools.

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