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Thread: Oak Stairs

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2017

    Oak Stairs


    These basement stairs have seen a lot of use in 40 years. About every decade I have sanded lightly and applied another coat of oil based polyurethane, the last a couple days ago. This time the light streaks in the center of the treads really stand out. I expect they are the result of the second and third varnishings when I coated one side at a time then the other side the next day. Looked fine at the times. This time I did it in one coat so no new overlap problem. Not looking so good.

    The lighter patches near the top get a little better with a wipe of moisture which refreshes the gloss. We didn't wait long enough for it to cure so a quick wiped on coat of varnish will improve that.

    The darker patches are probably there for keeps, but they are worse for the contrast with the light overlap streaks.

    I'd like to make at least a little improvement. The finish is really hard and sanding to bare wood is not in the cards. I don't think stain on top of the varnish is going to hold up. Any other suggestions.

    BTW the Oak trim on the stretchers is new and really looks good.
    Last edited by Tom Bender; 03-06-2024 at 3:26 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    If you don't want to strip/sand them to bare wood, and I wouldn't want to, I think you only have one real choice. Make them dark enough to mask the color differences. Think Polyshades, not that I'm necessarily recommending that product. You could add oil soluble dye to the finish you've been using, until you get a color uniformity you like, and then apply another coat or two of clear varnish for protection.

    You other option is paint.


  3. #3
    I would darken the treads and paint the risers . Hand rail needs to be dark. I won’t climb steps that make me look at yellow-orange
    hand rail or treads .

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Thinking about just darkening the lightest spots using an artist's brush.

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