After many years of cluttered up counter space for the vacuum sealer or manually pulling it out of a storage area and temporarily sitting it on a work surface, I've had enough... So, since i'm building a new kitchen island soon anyway, I figured i'd design something into it to store and use the sealer.
Background for size and weight purposes: The vacuum sealer I am using is a Weston 2300.
My curiosities and questions are:

1- Has anybody done this and have a successful design they'd be willing to share?
2- Has anybody used a mixer lift mechanism to do this? Are they strong and stable enough for this purpose?
3- What would be the best way to have a working space in front of the sealer to hold the food and bag while it's being sealed? Can a lift hold enough weight for the appliance and a work space?
4- Any other clever ideas?
5- What am I forgetting?

As always, pictures welcome.

Thanks gang!