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Thread: Alumimum and brass engraves

  1. #1

    Alumimum and brass engraves

    using the fiber laser on some of my old files
    engraving some aluminum and brass shows the detail as these engraves are less than 50mm

    the fiber laser can engrave very detailed graphics and very small and its easy to line up the engrave on your work piece with the light burn software
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hayes, Virginia

  3. #3
    I am finally starting to see what the fiber laser can do and that is great detail very small, ie a penny or dime in size with all the detail of
    a old traced out file that was 18in square
    Its quite amazing but a lot of setting to choose from still doing research

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hayes, Virginia
    It's hard to believe what you can do these days with a beam of light

  5. #5
    never thought of it that way , but as a younger person way back I do remember sun and magnifying glass on a piece of pine
    and a penciled design

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hayes, Virginia
    There are two machines that impress me the most of all that exist. A laser Engraver and a CNC Router both seem to have endless capability and I have always enjoyed my time working with both machines. I often find myself just thinking about what other techniques that might be possible based on what I have already learned and will go off on a tangent testing an idea. My personal observation concerning these two machines is that they are both "Fun To Run" even when you are simply dreaming about what other things you can do.

    It's a shame that the good machines are so expensive so more people could experience the joy of ownership. Without my sign business I would have never had the opportunity to work with either machine. I realize that there are hobby level machines but they lack the power and sophistication of commercial machines that really make the experience the most valuable.

  7. #7
    you are right and its easy to get carried away with ideas
    wish i had this equipment when i built furniture in the 80's

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