Both ends were done first, going across the grain...a "stop line" was marked along the center of the edge, and about a 1/4" or so down the face...Tools?
Chisel Case, Base and clean up, tools.jpg
Spokeshave where the grain allowed...otherwise it was just the No.3...Got both ends done, on both faces..
Chisel Case, Base and clean up, short ends done.jpg
Then hand sanded with 80 and 220 grit sandpaper....then the long grain edges were done..
Chisel Case, Base and clean up, long edge done.jpg
Trying to keep that sharp corner....

Once all four edges were Thumbnailed...time for the glue bottle..
Chisel Case, Base and clean up, 3rd hand.jpg
Used a caul across the front...and..
Chisel Case, Base and clean up, base glued in place.jpg
3 clamps around in back.

Will let this mess sit a day...while I figure out the building of a Drawer....and. whether to use through dovetails for it...we'll see...

Stay tuned..