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Thread: Why not biscuits?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Vero Beach FL

    Why not biscuits?

    Hi everyone

    I was looking through "Practical Design Solutions and strategies" by Taunton and read John Wagner's article "Choosing the Strongest Joinery for Doors"

    To make a long story short -- he found that a two biscuit joint failed at 2,700 pounds of pressure in his test, while loose tenons and m&t joints failed at 2,600 pounds. Three biscuits raised the failure threshold to 3,000 pounds.

    So, do you think this translates into furniture? For example, I am thinking of making a small writing desk. Should I bother with tenons when I have a perfectly good biscuit joiner languishing in a drawer in the shop?


  2. #2
    jay, the tests done where performed after only a week or so of glue cure time. give thought to the seasonal movement of wood...a mechanicly strong joint will survive lots of seasonal wood movement and remain intact. i`d be interested in seeing the results of the test if the samples had undergone several seasons and the related abuse most joinery takes.. i`ll stick to the tried-n-true myself.....02 tod

  3. #3
    I get suspicious of tests that don't make sense; this one doesn't make sense to me. A mortise and tenon has much larger glue area and much more wood between the parts, so it is hard to believe it is weaker than a couple biscuits. I will continue to use mortise and tenons.

    When I first got the biscuit cutter, I used it for everything. Then as I realized that I could glue up panels just fine without biscuits, it started to gather dust. Now it is coming back into use, both for alignment (hardwood edges to a veneered table top) and for joints such as connecting pieces of plywood. Nothing evil about a biscuit, but (as I said), I don't believe they are as strong as a mortise and tenon.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Vero Beach FL

    I'm still confused.


    Actually it does make sense, because they were VERY careful about controlling variables. They standardized as much as they could for example -- "the glued surface area of the dowels used in one joint was the same surface area as the loose tenon or mortise and tenon used in another"

    So, in "real life" the actual tenon might be much longer/larger than those used in this comparison. Thus, perhaps, leading to your conclusion that the tests "don't make sense".

    They also compared the "dramatic failure of the biscuit joints" with the gradual failure of the M&T which they note even when the joint fails the pieces are still attached to each other.

    So they conclude that "the best joint" is the loose tenon principally because even while it opened up it still showed resistance to deflection and overall good strength

    But the question still remains, if I were going to attach a table rail to a leg, would I be gaining that much more by making a loose tenon or MT joint rather than using a couple of biscuits? After all, isn't a biscuit just another form of a loose tenon, albeit a bit shorter and thiner?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Griswold Connecticut

    I think I would be more inclined to compare a biscuit to a spline, and not a loose tenon. A loose tenon still follows the M&T joint formula, ergo it has to end up physically much larger than a biscuit.

    I don't like the test method that you have described. If I want to intentionally weaken the M&T joint to make it comaparble to the biscuit, I've defeated the purpose of the M&T joint, but a properly sized M&T joint (loose or fixed) is much stronger than a biscuit. The proper comparison should have been a properly sized tenon, versus a properly located biscuit.

    The advantage to the M&T joint for the joining of the table leg to the stretchers or apron is that it can be adapted to the size of the material involved. It can be haunched for extra strength, pinned for increased mechanical properties, split to accomodate different needs for shear load. It is a very adaptable joint.

    I can see the use of the biscuit for aligning, and maybe adding some shear strength, but for the joint that you are refering to, I would use an M&T joint, or a sliding dovetail.

    My .02 fwiw.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Leesville, TX (San Antonio/Austin)
    I don't like the loose tenon idea because to me, it's just a big biscuit. Kinda. I much prefer an integral tenon, and particularly on an apron/rail to leg joint. If I sell a table and someday it comes apart for whatever reason, I'm gonna feel a lot better if the buyer doesn't see a biscuit.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Griswold Connecticut
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirk (KC) Constable
    I don't like the loose tenon idea because to me, it's just a big biscuit. Kinda. I much prefer an integral tenon, and particularly on an apron/rail to leg joint. If I sell a table and someday it comes apart for whatever reason, I'm gonna feel a lot better if the buyer doesn't see a biscuit.

    Have you had a chance to check out the loose tenon that Mark Singer uses?
    I've never been a loose tenon fan either, but Mark's method, and design are worth checking out.

    "Integral Tenon". That's the expression I was looking for instead of "fixed". Too much time spent sniffing Kerosene, WD-40, and Kroil today. Lost a few brain cells. Thanks for the correct terminology.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Delaware Valley, PA
    Jay, as a newbie, I'll probably reveal my ignornace while presuming to offer advice. But here goes--you and I will probably both learn something from this as others respond to it.

    Your question is not "what is the strongest joint?" but "is a biscuit joint strong enough for furniture such as a small writing desk?" The answer to that will depend on the magnitudes and directions of the forces that the specific piece of furniture will be exposed to, as well as the materials the furniture is made from. (For example, gluing the long grain of the biscuit to the end grain of a furniture component is not an issue if the furniture components are all made of plywood, particle board or MDF.) Articles that test and compare different types of joints being exposed to a single type of force aren't going to answer your question.

    Putting aside rigorous, scientific tests, try this. Find a piece of scrap wood, cut a slot in it with your biscuit joiner, and glue a biscuit into the slot. Wait half an hour for the glue to set. Now take a pair of pliers and try to pull the biscuit out. No way, right? How often will you subject each biscuit joint in your furniture to that amount of force? Will you ever subject each biscuit joint in your furniture to a greater amount of force? I doubt it.

    Now let's try another unscientific test. Take that same biscuit and try to snap off the half that's sticking out of the slot. Can't do it with your bare hand? How about with a hammer? A pair of vise grips? After you've thoroughly mangled the biscuit, ask yourself how often you'll subject each biscuit joint in your furniture to that amount of force. Will you ever subject each biscuit joint in your furniture to a greater amount of force? I doubt it.
    What this world needs is a good retreat.
    --Captain Beefheart

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Lehigh Valley, PA
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirk (KC) Constable
    I don't like the loose tenon idea because to me, it's just a big biscuit.
    There is an important difference: an M&T joint (even with a separate tenon) will maintain mechanical strength even if the glue fails. A biscuit joint will fall apart under the same conditions.

  10. #10
    jay, when something such as the mortise-n-tennon joint has proven to withstand the test of time why go looking for a new way to skin the proverbial cat? are you looking for speed? or cost effectiveness? or perhaps the tool manufacturers induced magazine test has caused you to rethink the tried-n-true?
    .02 tod

  11. #11
    Jay, I think your small writing desk will be fine using either method if you take the time to do it right. (i.e. cut the M&T joint tight, or make sure you spread the glue properly for the biscuits).

    I think it comes down to whether you're a purist and will have more satisfaction knowing there's a M&T inside, or whether you'd rather get the job done and spend your time on something else.

  12. #12
    When I (along with several other Creekers) took the workshop with Sam Maloof and he was showing us how he did his Glue ups for making chair seats and table tops I asked him why he didn't use biscuts and he was quite specific that they weren't strong enough. I figure if Sam won't use em then niether should I.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2004
    N Illinois
    My instincts would say that M/T joints are stronger than Biscuits. (I guess I'm wrong again) . I love my Bisc joiner but would be hesitant to use on a really important, stressed joint

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Griswold Connecticut
    John Stevens.
    You bring up a lot of good points in your post about stress, and determining the amount of force, or stress a piece will see.
    One source of stress induced on furniture that has probably caused the most problems, is simply moving it.
    Moving furniture is hard on joints. A great deal of leverage can be applied, with very little effort to a joint. In the example of the writing desk that Jay is considering ,there probably wouldn't be too much stress because of the size and weight, but for furniture to stand the test of time. The joints have to be mechanically strong.
    I'll admit that I'm sort of a purist, or snob if you will. I believe in the strength of the M&T joint( integral). Properly done, that desk will still be moving around 200 years from now.

    The "biscuit" joint is not new. These types of joints have been incorporated in furniture, in one form or fashion for many years. Splines and dowels can be found in all furniture from different eras and countries. The biscuit is unique only in it's shape and the machine to cut it. I think it definitely has a place in fine furniture. I just personally wouldn't use it to attach a leg to an apron or a rail.
    More that .02.

  15. #15
    I'm not a biscuit user myself. The Father of All Biscuits, Norm Abrams, went wild with them when it first hit the market, then seemed to back off. I had heard that they can be problems when joining boards for a table top for instance - the glue swelling the wood around them initially followed by an eventual "un-swelling" as the glue cures, resulting in an eventual visual "bleed thru." Am I right about this?

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