Wednesday March 8th, 2006

Today the taping crew brought an extra member. None of the inside corners had been done yesterday. I guess it was the new guys job to do those, because now they're done. They continued to add thin coats to the joints and filled all the screw holes also.
Here's the tapers car.

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A couple of pictures of their work. The dehumidifier is humming along keeping the moisture down to a reasonable level.

Talked with Brian today also to get a sense of the schedule for the remaining tasks to a finished house.

Tapers should/will be done today or tomorrow. The next step is the texture on the walls/ceiling which will commence next Tuesday. It will be a knock down texture and should be completed by next Friday. Paint follows that, the week of the 20th. The flooring will be next, at least everywhere but the kitchen. Cabinets must go in first as the cork floor is a floating type. Of course we still have trim and all the subs to finish up.

Brian is still saying we should be able to move in Easter weekend. Barely 4 weeks from now!! Guess I had better get busy and start figuring out a plan for moving. Also better figure out a way to protect the new flooring.

Thanks for looking.
