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Thread: Why does my dog do this????

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Doylestown, PA
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Clardy
    They are strange at times. We have a 12-13 year old cat that apparently can't see if theres water in her bowl. So she sticks her paw in it, sliding the bowl around spilling it.
    Does it every time.
    We have a black male cat that that does something similar. He'll stick his paw in the water dish, pull it out and lick it off. He doesn't seem to have anything on his paw so I don't think he's washing anything off, looks like he's just being a goof.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Leesville, TX (San Antonio/Austin)
    Our cocker and the new puppy both take a piece of two out of the bowl and walk away to chew it. The puppy drops it on the floor first. OTOH, the Saints park over the top of the bowl, stick their heads in, and generally stay there until the bowl(s) is empty.


  3. #18
    Join Date
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    Laguna Beach , Ca.
    I asked Java and Dexter and they said your dog likes the asthetics of the living room more than where his food is being served....kind of like asking the waiter to change your table to improve the view or get away from smokers...
    The bury food thing is psycological....your dog is afraid you are going to eat his food...try to enter a group therapy session with the dog....Java and I did this before he took several of his woodworking seminars
    "All great work starts with love .... then it is no longer work"

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Anaheim, California
    Depending on the size of your dog, a ton of free entertainment is available by feeding out of a "food ball". It's an orange rubbery thing about 6" in diameter that looks like Fred Flintstone's golf ball. It holds about a cup of kibble and dispenses it one or two pieces at a time as the dog pushes it around the floor. Ozzy usually brings it to me to shake out the last piece or two for him.
    Yoga class makes me feel like a total stud, mostly because I'm about as flexible as a 2x4.
    "Design"? Possibly. "Intelligent"? Sure doesn't look like it from this angle.
    We used to be hunter gatherers. Now we're shopper borrowers.
    The three most important words in the English language: "Front Towards Enemy".
    The world makes a lot more sense when you remember that Butthead was the smart one.
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  5. #20
    Join Date
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    West of Ft. Worth, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by Curt Harms
    We have a black male cat that that does something similar. He'll stick his paw in the water dish, pull it out and lick it off. He doesn't seem to have anything on his paw so I don't think he's washing anything off, looks like he's just being a goof.
    In the past, a couple of our Irish Setters would go to the water bucket outside and start drinking. After a few licks, one front paw would enter the water, after a few more licks, the other front paw would step in. When finished, they would start digging in the water bowl splashing water all over the place. We finally went to a #2 wash tub for outside water so that there would be some left for the next dog without us having to go and refill. Jim.
    Coolmeadow Setters...Exclusively Irish! When Irish Eyes are smiling....They're usually up to something!!
    Home of Irish Setter Rescue of North Texas.
    No, I'm not an electrician. Any information I share is purely what I would do myself. If in doubt, hire an electrician!
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    At a minimum, I'm Pentatoxic...Most likely I'm a Pentaholic. There seems to be no known cure. Pentatonix, winners of The Sing Off, s3.

  6. #21
    Join Date
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    Mt. Pleasant, MI
    I got a feeling if I gave my Rottweiler one of those feed balls I would be replacing the TV as he flung it across the room and made a smoking hole.

    Nice friendly and good looking dog. Dumb as a hammer.

    JC Custom WoodWorks

    For best results, try not to do anything stupid.

    "So this is how liberty dies...with thunderous applause." - Padmé Amidala "Star Wars III: The Revenge of the Sith"

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    St. Louis
    My labs eat so fast, that I can barely get out of the kitchen before they're done. I think it takes them about 20-30 seconds to eat. Maybe they hurry because they go out afterwards and when they come back in, they know they'll get their after dinner treat.

    As someone else already said tho, your dog probably does that because she's a lab, ergo, nuts.
    Where did I put that tape measure...

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Lafayette, IN
    My cat won't carry his food into another room, but sometimes, he will take a large mouthful of food out of his dish and drop it on the floor next to the dish. Then he'll eat some of it and either walk away or go back to the bowl for more. Weird thing is, he doesn't like shrimp, but his ears always perk up when we open the freezer--the ice cream scoop is his for the licking after we've dipped ours.

    "Don't get stuck on stupid." --Lt. Gen. Russel Honore

  9. #24
    You didn't mention what religious denomination your dog is. But most dogs belong to the "Untied Dyslexic Church of Dog" which is loosely based on many of the same principles of Christianity. You dog is probably just paying it's tithe and if you place a small plate next to his bowl he'll quit carrying the food into the other room.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    New Springfield Ohio
    My labs leave a few bites every nite for breakfast, only problem is the female gets it all.

    In answer to your question
    Because she can!

  11. #26
    Your not alone...

    I have a chow, German Shepherd mix that will grab a piece of kibble out of her bowl in the kitchen, then walk to the family room, sit down and chew it... then she returns for another piece and it repeats...

    Never seen a dog do that before....

    Dog's are just wierd... as long as she's safe and it isn't going to hurt her, I over look it.. but then again, I'm not crunching kibble underfoot at 3am...

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Sapulpa, OK
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian Hale
    She'll pick one piece of food out of her bowl, walk into the living room and drop it on the floor, go back and get another piece. She'll do this several times before she actually eats what's in the bowl but won't eat what she leaves in the living room.
    She actually thinks that you need to eat more, so she's giving some of her food to you. Actually, that's probably what she's doing. She's a retriever, so instead of her bringing you rabbits or birds, she's bringing you some of her food. She's doing it out of love, so, you might have to live with it until she decides not to do it anymore.

  13. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Clardy
    They are strange at times. We have a 12-13 year old cat that apparently can't see if theres water in her bowl. So she sticks her paw in it, sliding the bowl around spilling it.
    Does it every time.

    ROFLMAO my 13 going on 14 year old black cat "Shadow" puts her foot in the water bowl intentinally. Its her mission in life to spill the water out of the water bowl! She can see the water no thinks she is going through kitten hood again.

    PS my dogs take mouthfuls of food and put them on the carpet to eat them. However, my catahula is a terrible crumb eater.......

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Tampa, FL
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Clardy
    They are strange at times. We have a 12-13 year old cat that apparently can't see if theres water in her bowl. So she sticks her paw in it, sliding the bowl around spilling it.
    Does it every time.
    Cats supposedly can't focus that close or something. It's better to have a water bowl with a pattern in the bottom or one of water fountain things. With the running water they can see the ripples on the surface.

  15. #30
    PupnDawg does that occasionally , he's a BlondeLab/Sheperd .. His thing is he will not eat unless we are in the room with him .. His "table" is midways between us and the TV , and , unless he has had an extremly hard day supervising us around the shop , he will not eat a bite ..
    And when LOML gets a bowl of ice cream or glass of milk , better make an extra of each .. Or he will be in yur lap in short order ..

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