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Thread: "Weekend Doin's"

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Water Park Capital of the World

    "Weekend Doin's"

    Another week has zipped by. At least for me. Time for a couple of days of R & R.

    What's on the agenda? Rest & Relaxation or.....................?

    Whatever it is, make it a good one and enjoy.

    Creeker Visits. They're the best.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Splendora, TX
    Karl, the R&R comment sounds pretty good to me also, its been one of THOSE weeks.

    Tomorrow I hope to do a little cleaning in the shop and then go and visit with our our superintendent's wife to try and determine a design on a grandfather clock I will be building for him as a retirement gift for him in the next few months.

    Sunday gotta mow and trim, then will go and visit with my mom.

    Hope everyone has a great safe!!

  3. #3
    SWMBO has a looooooong Honey-Do list but maybe I'll sneak in a little time on the Lathe..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Lewiston, Idaho
    Try to knock a couple more things off the Honey Do list and then...turn that last glue-up bowl.................

    Work on making a jig for bowl tennon removal and bottom finishing.

    Work on finishing full size model of proposed spindle table spindle.

    Fertilize the lawn........Put soil sterilizer on the gravel driveways....

    So much to learn, so little time.....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Albuquerque, NM USA
    Hopefully a little time on the lathe and the ongoing cleaning/organizing of the shop. There are still some baseboards with my name on them too.

    The Albuquerque Woodworkers Assoc. is having a meeting tomorrow with a guest speaker on bentwood lamination. He's an instructor in Santa Fe Community College's Fine Woodworking program.

    The Stars play two this weekend, so hopefully they'll work themselves out of their little slump. NCAA Hockey Finals are on as well...Boston College and Wisconsin, so, lot's of hockey this weekend!

    Have a good one guys. Go Stars!

    "Last year we couldn't win at home. This year we can't win on the road.
    My failure as a coach is that I can't think of any other place to play."
    - Harry Neale, Vancouver Canucks

  6. #6
    I'll be putting the final finishes on the new entryway table. This was made from reclaimed pine; scraps from throwaways after builders were done building the house next to me. I thought it would be cool to have a furniture piece in my house made from the wood used to build the house to my right.

    It's yellow (cheap) pine with Transtint and spray USL. Doesn't look like the best piece of furniture, yet not my worst effort.

    This is a nice amateur table, just showing everyone that this website isn't for pros only!!!


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Benton Falls, Maine
    I plan on making shavings all weekend long.

    Then I have to do a major field day on the shop. High dusting; low dusting; middle dusting; iron the curtains; buff and wax the deck; lube, oil, and filter on all machinery; sweep down all ladders and companionways; and polish the brass. Everything must be shipshape and Bristol fashion.

    Why? On Monday am having an Admirals inspection from COMSUBWEPLAUHANSYS/NUWC.

    Field Day should take about two minutes with a leaf blower.
    Only the Blue Roads

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Andy Hoyt
    Then I have to do a major field day on the shop. High dusting; low dusting; middle dusting; iron the curtains; buff and wax the deck; lube, oil, and filter on all machinery; sweep down all ladders and companionways; and polish the brass. Everything must be shipshape and Bristol fashion.

    Why? On Monday am having an Admirals inspection from COMSUBWEPLAUHANSYS/NUWC.

    Field Day should take about two minutes with a leaf blower.
    Sweeper, sweeper man your brooms....(you know the rest)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Monroe, MI
    Not really sure. I've been working on a drainage project, but it rained heavily today so that won't be seeing any more work for a while. LOML and I are going out on a date tomorrow night. Other than that probably shop time, tv time, and computer time.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Benton Falls, Maine
    Quote Originally Posted by Don Baer
    Sweeper, sweeper man your brooms....(you know the rest)
    Only too well. That's why I'm using the new Sweeper of Choice for the 21st century.
    Only the Blue Roads

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Harrisburg, PA
    I'm heading down to Groff and Groff in Quarryville PA to buy 100 bucks worth of rough Quartersawn White Oak.
    I just got a Dewalt 735 planer and I am kind of pumped to get it some food. Then I am going to make three picture frames for a guy at work for his kids school pictures.

    cha ching...

    gots to pay for that planer.

    oh yeah, I might run the burn barrel if it don't rain.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Blog Entries
    Well, finally, the New Jersey/Pennsylvania area dirt track stock car racing season opens up this weekend. With that in mind, I hope the weather cooperates with us Saturday to allow the New Egypt Speedway to swing open their gates in Central Jersey for some of the greatest big block modified action around. Tonight (Fri) I might just laze around and maybe, just maybe, begin to draw up plans for the bar room window interior shutters that are up next on the hit list of woodworking projects. Sunday will find the usual suspects coming over for the NASCAR NEXTEL race at Texas Motor Speedway. Special menu this Sunday for the race will be deep fried strips of salmon that was caught last October in Oswego on our fishing trip. YUM! Coated in a crumb layer and deep fried, and then coated with honey and Emeril Lagasse's "Essence" mixture.
    There's one in every crowd......and it's usually me!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Blog Entries
    Well, finally, the New Jersey/Pennsylvania area dirt track stock car racing season opens up this weekend. With that in mind, I hope the weather cooperates with us Saturday to allow the New Egypt Speedway to swing open their gates in Central Jersey for some of the greatest big block modified action around. Tonight (Fri) I might just laze around and maybe, just maybe, begin to draw up plans for the bar room window interior shutters that are up next on the hit list of woodworking projects. The shop does still need some straightening up after the recent picture frame project wrapped up. Sunday will find the usual suspects coming over for the NASCAR NEXTEL race at Texas Motor Speedway. Special menu this Sunday for the race will be deep fried strips of salmon that was caught last October in Oswego on our fishing trip. YUM! Coated in a crumb layer and deep fried, and then coated with honey and Emeril Lagasse's "Essence" mixture.
    There's one in every crowd......and it's usually me!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    SW of Madison, WI


    Final exchange of sale of my dewalt planer. Take pictures of my latest gloats. Get my for sale stuff listed that I have been wanting to sell!

    In the shop:
    Work on the DC ducting
    Continue cleanup of new machine
    Install stuff on new machine
    Working on some MDf tables for the shop.

    Hopefully working with the doors open finally!

    Sharpening skills, the plane truth.

  15. #15
    Shop-wise, I plan to finish up a router fence attachment for my Incra TS setup and a dovetail key jig for box corners. Time permitting, I also expect to start on 3 cutting boards that were recently ordered, and maybe even get some initial glue-ups done for a gun case idea I've had in the back of my mind. I may also do a few trials on some of the details for a viking bed that's in the queue.

    The rest of the weekend will be typical house and yard chores, the most prominent being the weed-whacking of the slope in our back yard. My back is not looking forward to that one.

    - Vaughn

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