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Thread: Universal Lasers

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hayes, Virginia

    Universal Lasers

    I received a call from a local representative from Universal Lasers this afternoon. They have a portable laser that weighs only 90 pounds and could be transported with a minimal amount of effort. We had a long conversation and I hope to visit their showroom soon to view their line of machines and discuss with them the capabilities and specifications for their equipment. I should note that the price of their desktop unit is half of what I paid for my machine, this puts lasers even closer to being a very popular woodworking tool.

    As soon as I have visited their facility I will post the details here for everyone as I know there are a lot of our members who are interested considering it is the number one topic of all the email messages I receive.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Garland, TX

    Thumbs down

    It must be thier VersaLaser kiosks models.
    It's starts at 25 watts and available up to 50 watts. That's not bad, but has a small table top (16x12). It would be a great addition to a shop specializing in small items or plaques.

    Here is the link:

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hayes, Virginia

    Universal Lasers

    Welcome Nick,

    I'm glad you accepted my invitation, its nice to have another woodworker with a laser at SawMill Creek. Post some pictures of your engraved turning stuff, everyone here will enjoy seeing some very nice lathe work that is engraved.

    The brochure that I have has a Desktop C-200 Laser Platform, it doesn't mention whether its the VersaLaser model specifically. The cabinet is 16" by 12" though and it has both USB and Ethernet connectivity. The specs say it is available in 25 or 30 watt, 50 watts would be much better. I agree, this would be a nice machine for plaques and general woodworking engraving.

    I enjoyed talking to the Sales Rep today, they may see me as a customer in the future when I need to buy a second laser. Can't wait to visit their shop and see all the cool new toys.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Nick Silva
    It must be thier VersaLaser kiosks models.
    It's starts at 25 watts and available up to 50 watts. That's not bad, but has a small table top (16x12). It would be a great addition to a shop specializing in small items or plaques.

    Here is the link:
    Welcome Nick!!!!

    Glad you decided to wade into the Creek! Hope to see some of your work.

    To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a little better; wheter by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easeir because you have lived. This is the meaning of success.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Frankfort KY
    Keith- I think I see are really good item for a future FreeStuff drawing!!

    C'mon, you can do it!!!

    Seriously, I think you're right. As the prices come down, these will be a great accessory for the wood shop! Neat stuff.

    "Diplomacy is the art of saying "Nice doggie" until you can find a rock."
    Will Rogers

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hayes, Virginia

    We Can Dream


    I hear ya! I'd love to find a company that would offer a laser engraver to us for a FreeStuff drawing. That would be the ultimate prize, it's the ultimate tool for any woodworking shop believe me.

    I'd be happy to find a company that would offer the members of SawMill Creek discounts on lasers, possibly some special packages and options as well.

    I'm not shy though, I will definitely ask the question when I speak with someone who has the authority to make a decision. Miracles can happen!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Frankfort KY
    Quote Originally Posted by Keith Outten

    I'd love to find a company that would offer a laser engraver to us for a FreeStuff drawing. That would be the ultimate prize, it's the ultimate tool for any woodworking shop believe me.

    I'd be happy to find a company that would offer the members of SawMill Creek discounts on lasers, possibly some special packages and options as well.
    I'm sure there are several VIPs that realize the influence that WWing fora carry and what an inspired advertising move (Major exposure with minimum outlay) for their product(s). This can translate into upwardly mobile trends in said VIPs career (and bank account).

    I know I depend on this forum for recommendations and advice from actual tool owners and that is invaluable given today's tight tool budgets. Thanks for all your effort in bringing us such a valuable place to interact!

    "Diplomacy is the art of saying "Nice doggie" until you can find a rock."
    Will Rogers

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