
Since early August I have been working on my Morris chair project. I decided to make two chairs, one of curly cherry with flame birch spindles and a second from curly quarter sawn white oak.

<IMG SRC="http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid77/p40d54161f6fc4987251920f3d4dd4495/fb36b8dc.jpg">

I have about 5 Morris chair plans I have been working from to design and build this chair, the main design comes from Canadian woodworker Gary Walchuk.

I used a mitre lock bit (Lee Valley) to make the chair legs. It was an adventure but it worked out in the end.

<IMG SRC="http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid77/p1e55a9d4ca11a7a9ed2fbbc07ea59f56/fb36b889.jpg">

The ottoman legs were also a bit of work, the cherry legs solid 8/4 while the oak legs are a 5 piece lamination glue up.

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The Ottomans are as much work to make as the chair base, wow that is a lot of work!

<IMG SRC="http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid77/p9da71c0b7cd8d2b7ae1a6d265758f555/fb36b8b3.jpg">

I can not tell you how much I love my Delta morticer, it has been great, did I mention how many moticies there are in this chair ….let’s say LOTS!

The chairs are still just press fit together at this point, I have a great deal of cleaning up to do before the base glue up comes. I am going with a bent arm design, a 7 degree angle seems to be just right.

<IMG SRC="http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid77/pdd02143f772b2e31c69a5c7adf9ab64d/fb36b8cd.jpg">

After the base glue up them the arms will be attached then I will build the back.

I had thought of going with a Greene and Greene flavour with the cherry chair, but I have since revised my plan and will build them the same.

At this point I am planning on a clear oil finish with a wipe on top coat, let the wood show it’s figure!

I am hoping to complete the chairs and have them finished by the end of September. At this point I am not sure on the type of cushions to go with, I think the finished chairs will give a lending hand in that regard.
Thanks for viewing,

Take care,