sorry, didn't mean to start a fight. I was just having a bonehead moment and asked for alittle help. I was the cap iron set a littlt to close now she take quite nice shavings.
I didn't pay much for the 604c either just $10 at an antique store. I tuned her up quite nice. I would not have paid the $200 dollars it normally cost to get one. I hope to find more this way.
I live in a small town in Pa and don't have access to nice woodworking stores and don't know anyone around that is profiecent in handtools to give me lessons and tips. Sometimes people in my situation need to bite the bullet Like I did with Mike's saw just to see what a particular tool should work like. you can read all you want on the internet but without the feel it hard.
I have been a power tool guy for awhile, and over the last year have been buying some old planes, saws, and chisels. and finding incorporating these into my projects are making them turn out nicer and more satisfying.
