View Poll Results: Waht are your feelings on forum moderation

164. You may not vote on this poll
  • Moderation too severe

    34 20.73%
  • Moderation not severe enough

    4 2.44%
  • Moderation is right on as applied

    119 72.56%
  • Should we keep the Super Moderator

    88 53.66%
  • Should we fire the Super Moderator

    14 8.54%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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Thread: Moderator Complaints Poll

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Huntsville, AL (The Sun and Fun Capital of The South)

    Moderator Complaints Poll

    Some complaints have surfaced concerning my Moderator actions which cause me to respond here so I can test the waters. Please take the time to respond to this poll. You may make multiple choices.

    There is always a way to cure the harsh, unwarranted, censorsed, stupid, frivilous, and otherwise unpopular moderating that some folks thing I am doing. You could take a poll of the membership to see if you should petition the Administration to fire me.

    Believe me I have a lot better things to do with my time than being a moderator here. I do it because I believe in Sawmill Creek being the premier woodworking forum on the internet and will not allow it to degenerate like some other forums have. There will always be folks who enjoy stirring the pot, so to speak, and have nothing better to do. You personally might believe I am being too stern in my actions, but what you see is what you get. I will continue to moderate as I have done for the past 3 ½ years.

    We have always asked for member inputs on Sawmill Creek Operations -- Please speak up - no offenses taken.

    Happy Woodworking!!!!!!

    "Your Friendly Moderator"
    Last edited by Ken Salisbury; 08-17-2006 at 11:22 AM.

  2. #2

    I haven't posted much lately, but I had to post to this.

    Your actions are greatly appreciated by the vast majority here. The fact of the matter is that this site has a few unique rules, which you enforce. This place in unique and special because of the rules set up.

    Some people see these rules as being selfish and stand offish. I don't and truely enjoy being a member here.

    Keep up the good work!
    Jeff Sudmeier

    "It's not the quality of the tool being used, it's the skills of the craftsman using the tool that really matter. Unfortunately, I don't have high quality in either"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Lewiston, Idaho
    You AIN'T going to get off that easy! Earn you pay.....Moderate! when you're not turning or fishing........

    So much to learn, so little time.....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    University Place, Washington
    Your doing a fine job Ken and I think you should take the rest of the day off, with pay, as a reward . No problems here .
    Sometimes we see what we expect to see, and not what we are looking at! Scott

  5. Ken, I think you do a great job, and one that most would not want to do.

    I don't always understand or agree with everything you do, but I do not see it all, as you do in the Mod job, thus, you sir, have my utmost respect.

    Thank you for the job you do.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Listen Ken. I disagreed with the closing of the sawstop thread when you did it. After re-reading the TOS, if you thought the discussion was political, you were obligated to remove the thread.

    I do think it's a gray area as to whether or not it was truly "political". That's ok, though. If you think it was, I respect your opinion enough to live with it.

    I do take offense to this though:

    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Salisbury
    There will always be folks who enjoy stirring the pot, so to speak, and have nothing better to do.
    I was the one who posted the original complaint about the thread being locked. My feelings were that it was a great discussion that was not offensive or inflammatory. I don't think I was out of line to question it's removal. It's not fair to say that we "have nothing better to do" than to stir the pot. That bothers me.

    All that said, you're doing a fine job with moderation. Not everyone will agree with every action. Nature of the beast.
    Last edited by Rob Bodenschatz; 08-17-2006 at 11:49 AM.

  7. #7
    At the risk of "stirring the pot",
    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Salisbury
    but what you see is what you get. I will continue to moderate as I have done for the past 3 ½ years.
    Then whats the point of the poll?
    Maybe just a bit of a self-esteem issues?
    I say do what you do regardless of how strict you are, who are we to judge.
    Last edited by Doug Jones; 08-17-2006 at 1:42 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Water Park Capital of the World
    I find no problem with your moderating. I think it's one of the reasons the "Creek" stays an overall friendly place.

    We all have our "hot buttons" and we're all passionate about something.

    We all need some moderation from time to time. Keep on doing as you do Ken. And THANKS.

    Creeker Visits. They're the best.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    In the foothills of the NM Sandia Mountains
    Ken, I checked “too severe” but I think it’s too severe by just a smidge. There are some threads that get yanked that I feel are not over the line. Having said that, I think all of the moderators, including the Super, do a great job.

    I would have no idea how to do your job, I’m sure it isn’t easy.
    Please help support the Creek.

    "The older I get, the better I used to be."
    Lee Trevino

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    The Kudzu Patch
    I have not been one complaining but since this was brought up it would be nice if your going to remove a link you at least type in the forum name or something. Not just leave a blank space that makes is read stupidly.

    I think rules should be applied to all forums too. I got the link pulled I had in post and in another forum. OK, I made a mistake, I don't like the rule but it is the rule and I can live with that. But the same day, another poster did the same thing in one of the lesser viewed forums and it has yet to be changed. Minor issue but you asked.

    Since I am complaining I think some of the rules are silly. Like not allowing a link to another forum? Why? When you can provide enough info to find it anyway. Kind of annoying when someone asks about say an old machine and I could provide them with a link to OWWM thread that would answer their question. Has nothing to do with moderating but since I don't publically complain I figured I might as well get this out of my system too.

    On the positive side, this is the most civil forum I have spend anytime on.

  11. #11
    ken, as one who has a reputation of stirring it up just a bit, i think you`re doing a good job.
    i would like to know if there`s a way that we as posters could know our boundries when there are sensitive issues being discussed? i try very hard to abide by the tos when i post but in the past i`ve had threads locked and/or posts deleated that i was certain where well within the tos even though they very well may have gone against mainstream forum politics. so if there is a sane-n-civil way to express myself when discussing issues of controversy other than those i`ve tried please help me out.....
    by the way i voted to keep you in your high paying possition and also that you`re doing a fine job as things sit......02 tod

  12. #12
    I think you and all the mods are doing a great job...
    Many of us that joined early on remember Badger Pond (old, extinct forum, for those that wonder what the heck I'm talking about) and I don't ever want to see SMC dry up the way the Pond did.... It was a great place, very civil, with a reutation of being "over-moderated", but that was an attraction for many of us that found other forums, with constant fighting, flaming, and other childish behavior a pain-in-the-neck. I was drawn to the creek by the expectations of resonably calm waters where the focus would be on woodworking. There is plenty of room for civil debate and disagreement while navigating the creek, and I for one think you guys maintain a splendid balance.
    The TOS, while certainly not "crystal clear" to all, have served us well, and I have always approached this place as if I were a guest in someones house... I abide by their rules, treat their property with respect, and their guests as friends of mine. If I don't enjoy their house, I don't need to visit....
    I contribute to the creek because I want to insure it's long term survival, but I have never felt that it was mine... It is a community of people brought together by a common interest....and just like any diverse community, we will have disagreements from time to time, and " outside moderation" will be required when we fail to moderate ourselves... I'm okay with that.

    Keep up the good work...


  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Jeff Horton
    Since I am complaining I think some of the rules are silly. Like not allowing a link to another forum? Why? When you can provide enough info to find it anyway. Kind of annoying when someone asks about say an old machine and I could provide them with a link to OWWM thread that would answer their question. Has nothing to do with moderating but since I don't publically complain I figured I might as well get this out of my system too.

    On the positive side, this is the most civil forum I have spend anytime on.
    When SMC started and the TOS was worked out we all (at least most) agreed that links would not be tolerated because it was going to be too hard for moderators to follow the link to see if it was acceptable. There are many young people who also take part in this forum and the occasional odd ball who would love to send people to some porn site, their own commercial site, etc. If you want to send a site to someone just PM them.
    Glenn Clabo

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Escondido, CA

    Attracted to the style of this forum

    I think this forum is the best I've seen on any topic. I wish there were similar forums in my other areas of interest. The people are not only friendly, but very encouraging to us newbies and very helpful as I form ideas and gain techniques.

    I haven't stubbed my toe on a rule yet, but I have appreciated the focus and parameters. Thanks.

    One more thing. In my job, I appreciate the handful of people who say "Thank you for what you do and who you are." It helps clean off the road grunge from daily life.

    Thank you for what you do and who you are. Who you are and what you do is what I need.

  15. Ken, I think you and the other moderators are doing a job that is much needed and difficult given the number of disagreeable folks out there who seem to take possession of a forum or a thread and decide that they can say anything they want whenever they want. Also it seems there are an increasing number of folks who can't abide by any rules or TOS. I for one am glad that SMC remains civil and friendly and protective of its level of integrity. Keep it like it is. No one has ever been hurt by requesting people to act with civility and decorum.
    Big Mike

    I have done so much with so little for so long I am now qualified to do anything with nothing......

    P.S. If you are interested in plans for any project that I post, just put some money in an envelope and mail it to me and I will keep it.

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