View Poll Results: Waht are your feelings on forum moderation

164. You may not vote on this poll
  • Moderation too severe

    34 20.73%
  • Moderation not severe enough

    4 2.44%
  • Moderation is right on as applied

    119 72.56%
  • Should we keep the Super Moderator

    88 53.66%
  • Should we fire the Super Moderator

    14 8.54%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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Thread: Moderator Complaints Poll

  1. #106
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Anaheim, California
    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Salisbury
    Yes they did and I deleted it.
    Ok, as the offending party, I have two questions:
    1. What exactly constitutes a "public forum"?
    2. The stated reason for the prohibition was given as:
    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Salisbury
    Due to the high volume of posts, a moderator would have to go to each of those links to ensure they are actually legitimate and germaine to the subject, making the moderation job much harder and time consuming. Direct links to other public forums will not be allowed.
    How is a link to a "public forum" different from, say, a link to an article on a newspaper's website, such as appears in the OT forum quite frequently?
    Yoga class makes me feel like a total stud, mostly because I'm about as flexible as a 2x4.
    "Design"? Possibly. "Intelligent"? Sure doesn't look like it from this angle.
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  2. #107
    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Meiser
    The only way I can think of to "shun" someone would be for people to just plain not respond to an individual, and I don't see that happening here.
    Your not looking close enough or looking in the wrong place. I've seen it and experienced it.
    But its all good,,, I hold no grudges, I like everyone. I'm just very opinionated.
    What was the point of this thread again?????
    Last edited by Doug Jones; 08-20-2006 at 8:37 PM.

  3. #108
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Huntsville, AL (The Sun and Fun Capital of The South)
    Quote Originally Posted by Lee DeRaud
    Ok, as the offending party, I have two questions:
    1. What exactly constitutes a "public forum"?
    2. The stated reason for the prohibition was given as:
    How is a link to a "public forum" different from, say, a link to an article on a newspaper's website, such as appears in the OT forum quite frequently?
    It is simple -- a forum is a forum - a news article is a news article - come on guys it can't be that difficult to understand. I do check referenced articles to make sure they are germain and appropriate. You can pretty much tell by the URL' s themselves
    Last edited by Ken Salisbury; 08-20-2006 at 8:41 PM.

  4. #109
    Just close the thread and discuss your differences in PM sessions. Better yet, delete it, forget it, and move on. Nothing good can come from this at this point.

  5. #110
    Join Date
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    Modesto, CA
    Hey Doug, let's go get some ice cream. It's football season and Baskin Robbins has their Quarterback Crunch out again.
    Mark Rios

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  6. #111
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Huntsville, AL (The Sun and Fun Capital of The South)
    Quote Originally Posted by Doug Jones
    Just close the thread and discuss your differences in PM sessions. Better yet, delete it, forget it, and move on. Nothing good can come from this at this point.
    Yes, PM's would be better. Heavens forbid if I were to close this thread. The vampires would come out of the woodwork (no pun intended). Simply closing a thread is what started this mess in the first place. I still maintain we just have a few people who like to stir a pot - so be it. Besides my pot is stainless steel and wooden spoons won't dent it .
    Last edited by Ken Salisbury; 08-20-2006 at 9:02 PM.

  7. Quote Originally Posted by Ken Salisbury
    Yes, PM's would be better. Heavens forbid if I were to close this thread. The vampires would come out of the woodwork (no pun intended). Simply closing a thread is what started this mess in the first place. I still maintain we just have a few people who like to stir a pot - so be it
    Hah, is it that no pun was intended as in meaning you were seriously calling us vampires?

    Seriously, Ken, what started "this mess" was initiating a poll.

    You know my belief concerning levels of moderation, consistency and clarity. I now know others beliefs, too.

    We also know you do not intend on doing anything but what has been done in the past. In fact, you seemed to indicate you would continue on regardless of the outcome of the poll.

    So the mess was started when you initiated the poll and then went on to state there would be no change. Kinda like saying, if I really want your opinion, I'll give it to you.

    The reality is that you, SMC as an entity and the membership will continue on as before despite this bump in the road.

    Take care, Mike

  8. #113
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Huntsville, AL (The Sun and Fun Capital of The South)
    *********************** ############******************

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Wenzloff
    Hah, is it that no pun was intended as in meaning you were seriously calling us vampires?

    Seriously, Ken, what started "this mess" was initiating a poll.

    We also know you do not intend on doing anything but what has been done in the past. In fact, you seemed to indicate you would continue on regardless of the outcome of the poll.

    It is apparent you don't understand. If the poll and the comments here result in changes to the TOS I will enforce whatever they are. The TOS and General Policies are what dictate every action I take

    So the mess was started when you initiated the poll (The poll and this thread was an attempt to get member inputs to see if changes were necessary and appropriate) and then went on to state there would be no change. (I did not say that) Kinda like saying, if I really want your opinion, I'll give it to you.

    The reality is that you, SMC as an entity and the membership will continue on as before despite this bump in the road.

    Take care, Mike
    Last edited by Ken Salisbury; 08-20-2006 at 9:14 PM.

  9. #114
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Bedminster, NJ
    I look at it this way - if folks don't like what's going on, they will leave. If enough folks leave the forum will fail. I do look at one or two other forums but don't post much because of what I consider the overall objectionable conduct of the "regulars." However, those forums are thriving so I guess the members do not consider their conduct objectionable - and that is just fine with me - to each his or her own!!
    Semper Fi

  10. #115
    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Salisbury
    You are correct - please be more specific when referring to a thread - like you did here - Yes the thread was closed and moved to the Moderators Forum by the Administration.
    Ken, spare me; my reference was clear, and even if it wasn't, you should have been tipped off as to what I was referring to by the two immediately subesequent posts following my question.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Salisbury
    You should speak for yourself - not everyone else.
    Allow me to rephrase: that post insulted the intelligence of everyone who prefers not to have his leg peed on whilst being told it is raining.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Salisbury
    I assume you have a very light case load based on the amount of time you spend attempting to get my goat.
    These are the words of someone serious about maintaining civility?

    At any rate, Ken, I assure you, pointing out the glaring inconsistencies in your explanations takes very little time at all.

    But thanks all the same for what I'm sure could only be a genuine concern for my professional life.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Salisbury
    Believe me, that has been tried by the experts - and it is obvious you are not one.
    Again, Ken, I'm not trying to get anyone's goat. I just don't like being fed a line, particularly when that line is fed so clumsily, and feel it's important to point it out when someone is doing so to others.

    And, I might add, I've been nothing but civil in this and in the previous threads. I've pointed out areas of severe disagreement and given my reasons for those disagreements, sure. But I haven't resorted to cheap shots over, say, the sufficiency of one's buisness practice, in making my points.

    And, of course, I'm not the one who started a "poor me" poll.

  11. It is apparent you don't understand.

    See now, Ken. That is the inflamatory way of stating, you might be misundertanding...

    Your way essentially is saying I'm too thick-headed to understand. The other leaves room for mutual discussion...

    The TOS and General Policies are what dictate every action I take

    Oh, now. The TOS lacks the ability to clearly spell things out. It leaves a lot of room for capricious interpretation. It simply needs rewritten to be in line with the actions you do choose to take--and do. That's all. It's no big deal. But the TOS is unlcear and vague in places. To say you do not interpret and apply inconsistently at times, well, I'll leave that to your conscience to determine.

    But, once again, let me make myself clear. I could give a hoot what rules are in place. I believe I abide by them. It isn't hard and they are not onerous. And I know my option should I believe the reverse to be true would be to go away. And I would.

    What I object to the most is having the TOS inspecific, decisions made, pointing to some section and saying the TOS backs this action up when it doesn't.

    I don't understand the problem with rewriting the TOS to be in line with how SMC is being run. Ultimately nothing is changed. Except for the TOS to reflect accurately the actions being taken. And, of course, for the membership to understand whether the TOS actually agrees with the moderators.

    Take care, Mike
    the one who lacks understanding...

  12. #117
    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Salisbury
    The poll and this thread was an attempt to get member inputs to see if changes were necessary and appropriate
    Y'know, I wrote up a big long post on this very topic a couple of pages back. Oddly, I've seen no comment, from you or any others, on whether you or they thought my stated principles were good, bad, or indifferent.

    What I have mostly seen instead is a lot of back-slapping and forum cheerleading. So much, I suppose, for serious analysis of an important topic.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Salisbury
    I did not say that [there would be no change]
    From your very first post, the post that opened this thread: "I will continue to moderate as I have done for the past 3 ½ years."

  13. Well I've found two new names to add to my ignore list

    Some people just have no time to work on a wood working project, tis a shame........

  14. Quote Originally Posted by Ray Bersch
    I look at it this way - if folks don't like what's going on, they will leave. If enough folks leave the forum will fail. I do look at one or two other forums but don't post much because of what I consider the overall objectionable conduct of the "regulars." However, those forums are thriving so I guess the members do not consider their conduct objectionable - and that is just fine with me - to each his or her own!!
    But if they left here and stopped complaining, they would have nothing else to do.......!!

    Well said Ray.

    Cheers! (sorry, I'm out of tea)

  15. Quote Originally Posted by Stu Ablett in Tokyo Japan
    Well I've found two new names to add to my ignore list

    Some people just have no time to work on a wood working project, tis a shame........

    Stu, with all due respect, if you are on this forum, at 2500+ posts in a little over a year, are you working on woodworking projects? This goes for all of us. If we're posting, we ain't workin'.

    Don't get me wrong. You do a tremendous amount of work and have energy I wish I had. But gumping others because you don't agree with them is simply making the point of some of the posters and silly. But it is your choice.

    Take care, Mike

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