FreeStuff donated by SMC Member, Jack Norfleet

Note: You must be a SawmillCreek member to be eligible.

Update 2006-09-11: New winner!

Jack has kindly donated a barely used steel-bodied Jointer Pal for setting knives in jointers up to 8" wide. The specs can be seen here.


This patented knife-setting systems lets you set jointer knives in perfect alignment every time! It also allows you to shift nicked knives to get a perfect cut to an accuracy of + or - .001". Patents owned by Woodstock International, Inc. Made in USA.

2006-09-25: Steve Clardy via Gary DeWitt
After the drawing, the winner has one week to claim their prize by posting in this thread, after which Jack will ship the object to the winner.

Hooray Jack!