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Thread: What is happening around here???

  1. #76
    Quote Originally Posted by Keith Outten
    If you exceed the speed limit and are caught you pay a fine. You broke the rules.

    If you violate our TOS your thread will most likely be removed. You broke the rules.
    With all due respect, you're comparing apples to oranges. If your logic was applied to that traffic stop, the interstate highway would have to be dug up and removed so that no one else could ever travel on it, ever.

    Just pointing out the obvious.

  2. #77
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Huntsville, AL (The Sun and Fun Capital of The South)
    Quote Originally Posted by Keith Outten
    Today one of our Members suggested that our Staff should divulge any relationships that they might have that would influence the decisions they make. I will volunteer mine if it will make him happy.

    - I work in the Architechs Office at Christopher Newport University, an employee of the State of Virginia.
    - My sign business, Northwind Associates owns SawMill Creek and is responsible for its hosting and contractual obligations.
    - I don't work for or receive any compensation from any company other than the two I have listed above.
    - My soul belongs to me, it has never been sold for financial or any other type of personal gain and I don't owe anyone any business favors that would affect any decision I might make concerning SawMill Creek Woodworkers Forums..
    Here's mine:

    - I don't work anywhere.
    - I don't receive any compensation from any company or individual.
    - In my working career I was an executive level manager for a Fortune 10 company and an ex high school football coach. My integrity has never been questioned in either endeavor (other than right here).
    - I don't owe anyone any business favors that would affect what I do here.
    - I have built up lots of friendships here on SMC and edit their posts when necessary just like everyone else's.

    As far as the Dust Collection thread goes, I recieved 6 e-mails and 3 PM's thanking me for the actions taken on that thread. So there are those out there who appreciate what we are trying to do.

    On Very rare occassions I have a problem being diplomatic and keeping under control. This is one of those times. I don't think there is anyone here that would be subjected to the personal bashing and verbal abuse that I have had to deal with from the 2% without responding accordingly. Therefore I say "I think the crybabies should back off for a while".
    Last edited by Ken Salisbury; 10-07-2006 at 8:02 AM.
    "If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride - and never quit, you'll be a winner. The price of victory is high - but so are the rewards" - - Coach Paul "Bear" Bryant
    Ken Salisbury Passed away on May 1st, 2008 and will forever be in our hearts.

  3. #78

    My Disclosure

    I've stayed out of these discussions so far since Neanderthal dust collection is accomplished with a dust pan and broom.

    Each of us who is a moderator has their own personal responsibilites and demands on their time. We all work in different ways and have different times when we can get to the Creek and check out the posts in the area or areas we moderate. As an example, It is often the case that I will not check the Neanderthal Forum (my area of responsibility) from 4:30 PM until 10:00PM on any weekday and there I days when I travel when I don't check until evening. Other moderators use different schedules. We all have times when we are not available for even longer periods of time stretching out several days. Our peers fill in for us on these occasions and the load gets even heavier for those remaining moderators. The point here is that as Keith has said, we depend on the members as our first line of defense against problem posts.

    Now the disclosure;

    1. I am sales manager for Quality Die Cutting, Inc a custom manufacturer of specialty parts for the electronics, medical, and aerospace industries.

    2. I am the sole proprieter of Chester Toolworks LLC a part time business where I make and sell woodworking hand tools.

    3. I am the current President of the Guild of NH Woodworkers, a 500 member 501c3 IRS charitable trust and woodworking club covering the state of New Hampshire.

    4. Member- Society of American Period Furniture Makers (SAPFM)
    Dave Anderson

    Chester, NH

  4. Please let me know what it was about my post that deserved to have the post deleted?

    Thank you, Mike

    Edited to add I can paste the message back in if y'all would like. You know, in case the benign post was accidently deleted.
    Last edited by Mike Wenzloff; 10-07-2006 at 6:56 PM.

  5. #80
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Conway, Arkansas
    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Salisbury
    Here's mine:

    - I don't work anywhere.
    - I don't receive any compensation from any company or individual.
    - In my working career I was an executive level manager for a Fortune 10 company and an ex high school football coach. My integrity has never been questioned in either endeavor (other than right here).
    - I don't owe anyone any business favors that would affect what I do here.
    - I have built up lots of friendships here on SMC and edit their posts when necessary just like everyone else's.

    On Very rare occassions I have a problem being diplomatic and keeping under control. This is one of those times. I don't think there is anyone here that would be subjected to the personal bashing and verbal abuse that I have had to deal with from the 2% without responding accordingly. Therefore I say "I think the crybabies should back off for a while".

    OK....and here's mine:

    - I'm a Unix Systems Engineer for Acxiom Corporation
    - I'm a hobbiest woodworker who takes on commission work for shop funds
    - I play bass guitar
    - I have done various product reviews, and I don't do them any more because they generated too much heat to just be a review from only my views and experiences with a product.
    - I do nothing for any company that is woodworking related. Shoot, I don't have enough time in a day to do my "day" job and leave much time for my family and shop time.

    A note on moderators: Moderators have jurisdiction over a specific part of SMC. For me, it's the OT forum.

    DC Threads? They seem to always get "out of hand" fairly quickly. I tend to stay out of DC discussions or any highly visible topic. I don't need the stress, nor do I want to venture into that "stuff".
    Thanks & Happy Wood Chips,
    Dennis -
    Get the Benefits of Being an SMC Contributor..!
    ....DEBT is nothing more than yesterday's spending taken from tomorrow's income.

  6. #81
    Let's try this again (since my original post was deleted, as I suspect this one will be)...
    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Salisbury
    As far as the Dust Collection thread goes, I recieved 6 e-mails and 3 PM's thanking me for the actions taken on that thread. So there are those out there who appreciate what we are trying to do.
    Most of us appreciate what you do, Ken. But, those of us how have voiced disagreement in the past have routinely been ignored, belittled, locked, or deleted. It makes us less likely to speak up.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Salisbury
    Therefore I say "I think the crybabies should back off for a while".
    The members here make up the quality of the Creek. Run enough of them off, and you'll lose that quality.

  7. #82
    Join Date
    May 2004
    North Bend, WA
    Give it up. You're part of the 2% and they have no intention of listening. They will edit and delete your posts at will regardless of whether you're within the TOS.
    Last edited by Erik Rudd; 10-07-2006 at 8:48 PM.

  8. #83
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    never-never land
    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Salisbury
    Every post that is edited or deleted has a line at the very bottom that says "last edited by ______ Reason:________" (see the line at the bottom of this post)

    I know about the "last edited by..." line, but your use below of the "reason" section is the first time I've ever seen that. I've seen plenty of occasions where the 'last edited by' line was a mod, but never a reason. Perhaps I have just missed them, but I suspect not.

    When a post is deleted there is also a message that says why.

    Maybe you are missing these.
    Maybe you as a moderator can see that line, but quite obviously, if a post is deleted, it's gone from our view. And with no record of it, except for an occasional reference or quote to it by another poster, we have no idea what's going on.

    The following is your response to this question I posted:

    Let me ask you something...WHY DID IT TAKE NINETY ONE posts for the thread to get deleted? Were the mods enjoying the rhetoric? Were they busy deleting other posts/threads?

    As threads progress and violations start to happen they do so very rapidly. We as moderators do not sit here all day and review a thread every twenty minutes to see if everything is kosher. We do have lives other than SMC. Sometimes it is as long as 12 - 14 hours before a moderator may get to a thread. A lot of stuff can happen in such a time frame and there are 100's of threads changed on a daily basis which need review. We do the best we can. However, no matter how hard we try there will always be the few who think they can do it better.
    Ken, I know the task of moderating here is no picnic, and the more popular the site becomes, the harder the task becomes. But, to expect me to believe your 'reason' is just plain ridiculous and insulting!!! Have you forgotten what you said in post #24 of this very thread? You mention all the editing and deleting that you had to do to the thread before it got pulled!

    Why didn't you pull it right away? Did you not see Mr. Witter's inital post as a clear violation of the TOS? I sure did, as did just about anyone else that read it. In fact, Keith himself lists that as his reason for yanking the thread.

    Consistant moderation is called for, and is not in evidence here. That is a large part of what has so many people up in arms around here...myself included.

    Think about it Ken...
    - Marty -

  9. #84
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Lake Leelanau, MI
    Ah, the ebb and flow of life on the Creek. A thread is started in earnest, a volitile reply starts a rukus. Then, others with similar thoughts, are embolden to speak what they have held back. After awhile, a cheerleader emerges, with a similar gang of followers to back up what the cheerleader says. Then, the referees must take control and take the flack from the crowd that feels entitled to their rage. On and on it goes.

    I love this place. The moderators can censor me, they can be wrong, they can be right - it just doesn't matter. What matters is this is the best place around, and that I've still got all my fingers.

    A while back, a whole group of folks had an extremely long thread that had to do with FedEx boxes, lathes, airplanes, bombs - I can't remember what all was going on, actually, I didn't have a clue. That's what this site is all about. I notice many of the folks in those type of threads are a different group than those in this type of thread.

    Let me be a cheerleader, let me keep a smile on my face while others find reason to chide the referees. Heaven forbid our moderators decide to go elsewhere.

    Moderators, you are an excellent group of folks. You do a great job, but you're not going to please everyone. I don't think you owe me an explaination when you delete anything I say. I'll just find a way to say it right. Every couple of months we go through something like this. As we get bigger, we'll just have to accept we're not the site for everyone. Just don't change it because there aren't many civil sites like this one and you moderators are the reason.


    John Bailey
    Sawmill Creek is a member supported forum. Click here to donate.

  10. #85
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Santa Barbara County, CA
    Don't you just love the Drama of it all?

  11. #86
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    University Place, Washington
    Quote Originally Posted by John Bailey


    Very well said, Thanks
    Sometimes we see what we expect to see, and not what we are looking at! Scott

  12. #87
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hayes, Virginia
    The truth is that all is well here at SawMill Creek.

    We will not lose Members but we will lose a few troublemakers. The loss will improve things around here and won't affect any donations from advertisers since we don't have any. There is no commercial value to be concerned with as SMC isn't a commercial venture

    Anyone who is dissatisfied with the way things are done around here should move on or adjust to the way things are done here. Your other option is to wait for me to adjust your account status to "Guest" which won't take long at the pace you are moving.

    I will end this thread and watch for any further trouble. If it developes there will be no warnings given, we just don't have the time to be distracted by you folks who are unhappy.


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