Hello to all,

I am Thom Price co-inventor of the process technology known as Atomic Art. I am going to try to answer the more serious minded questions and will ignore the obviously ignorant.

First of all we have not attempted to perform our process on metal at this time. Although we are having positive results with acrlyic.

Next we never at any time asked for or recieved any compensation from any laser manufacturers. We offered to enable all makes at no charge and the companies that responded are the ones that are currently able to produce color images.

We do not have any issues negative or otherwise with Epilog we have heard many good things about that brand of laser and assume that is true.

Our technolgy has taken thousands of man-hours to perfect and we did not want to release it until it satisfied our standards.

Lightwave has not stated that they are selling their technology. We encourage you to compare the products and make your own decision.

We are offering this training class because it will take most people 3 days to grasp and the training must be done at our facility. Everything you will need to be sucessful is there to make things efficient. Unless you have a large format laser, those will be scheduled for on site training.

There are 2 Licenses available: Stone & Tile is one License and Glass is another License.

The Patent issue will be determined at the Patent office and only by the Patent office.

We have offered the training for $4495 for the first twelve who sign up and that number has been reached. The current price is $5495 upon completing the questionnaire we send out the information in regards to the license, the training, and what we provide etc.

Ed has been kind enough to recommend this process. He has samples and is convinced this is a great opportunity for the serious minded proffessional engravers. It is what he has said THE REAL DEAL.

If it is slow, it is because of the limitations of the lasers not the technology. A full color spread 12"x12" takes around 80 minutes to complete.

We are very busy preparing for the ARA show and scheduling for the training classes and we hope this has answered the lucid questions. For more information feel free to contact us.

Thom, Terry & Jesse