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Thread: Except for's finsihed!!!!!!!! Long...PICS

  1. #1

    Except for's finsihed!!!!!!!! Long...PICS

    Howdy again,

    I actually got the stiles on and the doors hung today!!!!! Yipeeee!!

    BUT....not without some interesting woodworking.....

    The hinged stile deal has been a bit of a problem. I bought Amerock no mortise hinges for this project. I have used them many times in the past and I really like them. Problem is....the stiles stuck out too far with the hinges installed. I biggie, I'll just plane a 1/16" off. Great. Works fine...until....I get to putting the hinges on the doors. Now the stiles are to skinny to properly fit the full wrap hinges!!! I decided to cut the wrap part off the hinges to solve the probelm. problem. The pins don't go all the way thorugh the hinges. Now I just have pieces of hinges. Back to the drawing board after ordering more hinges. I had some of the same hinges here, just not the correct color or style so I push on.

    I resawed some stock and face glued it to the back of the stiles and mortised the no mortise hinges. It really looks better this way anyhow. Sure wish I had thought of this BEFORE I planed the stiles!!!

    These mortises were a bit interesting to do, The leaves of the no mortise hinges are not square. I tried cutting around them with a knife, chiseling the edges...yadda...yadda...but this method seemed to work the best. I drew around the leaves in pencil and free handed them with my router. 'Bout caused me to have a nervous breakdown, but it worked. These are grain matched stiles of course, so a screw up here is a really big disaster. Of course, after what I have already been though with these dang pieces, I guess I could have figured out some way to fix it.

    <IMG SRC=""> it is with the stinking stiles done.

    <IMG SRC="">

    And here it is with the doors finally on.

    <IMG SRC="">

    <IMG SRC="">

    Thanks for looking,


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Royse City Texas
    Why do it the easy way when ya can always find a way to make it harder Huh.

    Great Job Terry, some day you'll have to take a break and make something smaller than a bread box. LOL


  3. #3
    "Why do it the easy way when ya can always find a way to make it harder Huh."


    My thought exactly. Shoot, I coulda built this in a weekend if I didn't screw it all up the first time. What fun would that be????

    I hear ya on the BIG projects. Don't quite know why, but it just seems like everything I wanna build is really BIG !!!


  4. #4
    Hey Terry,

    That is really nice.

    The proportions are just right, and the lines are clean. Is this piece from a set of plans or your own design?

    Using qualify stock and superior techniques are one thing, but I'm always concerned that when a piece is put together it will look amateur if the lines are all wrong.

    I always think about a woodworking trilogy. To me, it's the design that worries me most as I feel that I should be able to control the other two much better.

    You my friend have nothing to worry about. Nice stock, nice workmanship and nice design!


    [Edit: man... I said worry way to many times!]
    Last edited by Kevin Murdock; 01-11-2004 at 5:29 PM.

  5. #5

    It's based on a plan from Woodworker's Journal, Oct. '03. The EC was too small for our equipment, so I had to upsize it a bit. It was wide enough, just not deep enough. I was concerned that making it deeper might throw off the look of the thing, but I guess not. I changed some other things like how the shelves were arranged, some joinery issues and such, but basically it's the same idea as the one in the magazine.

    Appreciate the kind words,


  6. #6
    Nice design...nice looking piece...nice execusion...nice workshop...nice family...nice sure are boring. I need to come down to visit with you so some of my evil self rubs off.

    Can't wait to see this when it's complete!
    Glenn Clabo

  7. #7
    " sure are boring. I need to come down to visit with you so some of my evil self rubs off.



    Cheryl says you just need to get to know me better. hehehehehe

    Your welcome here any time, boring or not.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Knoxville TN.
    Looks Great Terry.

    What color are you going to finish it? Remember to send pictures.

    No Pain-No Gain- Not!
    No Pain-Good

  9. #9

    It will be the same finish as my bench. A coat of cherry stain followed by a coat of dark walnut stain and then a few coats of rubbed out poly. Holds up great, looks old right from the start. It sort of mimmicks a fumed finish on the white oak, just not quite as dark. Hopefully it will look nice.

    Cheryl has wanted furniture finished the same as the bench ever since I got it done. Now she's gonna have some. I will be completing the living room set with a coffee table and 2 end tables of the same design/finish.....eventually.


  10. #10
    Very nice work. It looks great; now you do know my address, it will look just right in my living room.

  11. #11
    Great looking work Terry.... you may have even won me over to try a piece in white oak. Dave.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Broken Arrow(Tulsa), OK

    Thumbs up


    I like it.......................I like it alot!! Glad the stile situation worked out alright. As for freehand routing, I've learned that a small bit, like 1/8", and a small router make it fairly easy. Looks like you did a very good job. I'm looking forward to seeing the EC finished and up close and personal.

    Great job my friend,

  13. #13


    The radius of the curved part of the hinges was 1/4" so I did it with a 1/2" straight bit. It was a really tedious job, but they turned out OK. Probably should have used a small bit like you suggested. Oh well...too late now.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Conway, Arkansas
    Quote Originally Posted by Terry Hatfield


    The radius of the curved part of the hinges was 1/4" so I did it with a 1/2" straight bit. It was a really tedious job, but they turned out OK. Probably should have used a small bit like you suggested. Oh well...too late now.

    Terry....She is a Bee-yout!!!!! I really LOVE the style and look of it. You have really done a fine job "as usual" on this and I can't wait to see it in person.!!!! You do fine work there bud.....I am very proud for you.!
    Thanks & Happy Wood Chips,
    Dennis -
    Get the Benefits of Being an SMC Contributor..!
    ....DEBT is nothing more than yesterday's spending taken from tomorrow's income.

  15. #15
    Very nice work. Makes me want to build one to replace the store bought one we have. I had no shop to build anything in four years ago when we bought I can't wait to get it out on the street!

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