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Thread: "Weekend Doin's" - Wo-Zha-Wa Edition

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Water Park Capital of the World

    "Weekend Doin's" - Wo-Zha-Wa Edition

    Friday September 14th, 2007


    What is Wo-Zha-Wa and is it anything to worry about?

    Wo-Zha-Wa is a celebration started 40 some years ago by the owners of the various establisments here to thank their summer workers, who for the most part back then, were college kids. Now the summer workers are from foreign countries.

    It has, over the years, turned into if not the biggest, almost the biggest weekend of the season, populated by tourists, not the workers that it was originally intended. It's the last hurrah and the return to an existence one would expect from a population of less than 3000 residents.

    Granddaugter, Tama, is marching in the parade [over 100 units] Sunday, so we will be at the parade.

    I hope to get in the shop at some point and get a little more accomplished on the dust collection for the RAS and CMS. We'll see.

    Fall is in the air here. Temps are starting to get into the low 40's overnight and we might even get our first frost overnight tonight. Maple trees are starting to change, so I guess it's official....summers over.

    What are you up to this weekend? Whatever it may be I hope it's enjoyable. Oh, and make it a safe one!!

    Creeker Visits. They're the best.

  2. #2
    Summer may be over where ever you live, but we are finally dipping into the upper 50's at night here, and then it's right back up in the mid 80's during the day. It's been a nice relief from the soaring temps and drought conditions we've been experiencing. But the last couple days of waking up to 58 or 59 degrees has definitely been nice. Frost is still a month or two away for us.
    Last edited by Keel McDonald; 09-14-2007 at 7:22 AM.
    Keel McDonald ><>

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    SE PA - Central Bucks County
    With any luck, I'll be back in the shop working on the finishing of the cherry vanities...

    The most expensive tool is the one you buy "cheaply" and often...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Grand Marais, MN. A transplant from Minneapolis
    Hey Karl,
    In town this weekend. Big boat sailing on the mighty Mississippi.
    Gotta get them honey do finished.
    Shop time all around.
    Have a safe one.
    Live Like You Mean It.

  5. #5
    i'm in the midst of preparing for my wedding which is a week away. (yeah, small gloat )

    i'm going to try and sneak away and work on some christmas gifts though.

  6. #6
    I'll spend some time carving a fireplace mantel and sharpening some plane irons.

    DJO Furniture Maker / Timberwerks Studio

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Lewiston, Idaho
    Get the west half of the shop painted and lights up. Get ready for the arrival of my new toys next week.

    So much to learn, so little time.....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    O'Fallon IL
    Tonight: Borrow a friend's flatbed trailer.
    Saturday: Pick up a cord and a half of firewood, then take it home and stack it. My children will be earning their phone and video game privileges for the month.
    Sunday: Visit a local sawmill and get 200 feet of 6/4 sycamore to stack in my back yard, out past the firewood. Some will go into the garage attic to begin the faster drying process. After that, take back the trailer.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    West of Ft. Worth, TX
    I'd like to finish the router table, but doubt that I'll get that far. I've been roped into a rescue function by my wife. I need to go buy some polo type shirts for the new job I start on Wed. That will be Sat am. Hopefully I'll be able to get a big chunk of the table finished up, and some poly on the bottom pieces. Jim.
    Coolmeadow Setters...Exclusively Irish! When Irish Eyes are smiling....They're usually up to something!!
    Home of Irish Setter Rescue of North Texas.
    No, I'm not an electrician. Any information I share is purely what I would do myself. If in doubt, hire an electrician!
    Member of the G0691 fan club!
    At a minimum, I'm Pentatoxic...Most likely I'm a Pentaholic. There seems to be no known cure. Pentatonix, winners of The Sing Off, s3.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Schenectady, NY

    Lumber/Tool Auction

    Saturday is our WW club's annual lumber and tool auction to benefit our education fund. Of special interest this year is over 1000 BF of American Chestnut lumber that was sawn in 1908 and has been stored in a barn ever since. No nail or worm holes in any of it. Mostly 5/4 RS RL/RW.

    Honey-Do stuff for Sunday.

    Have a great Weekend,
    Happy and Safe Turning, Don

    Woodturners make the world go ROUND!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Glenmoore, PA
    Finished finishing schedule on a dresser last night (second one) and hope to complete assembly and deliver to the client (my 3-yeard old son) this weekend.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    I'll be finishing the repairs on a humidor that belongs to a customer from my stereo shop. Then I'll be starting 2 humidors for my BIL and I. I'm going to use either curly maple or quilted maple and Bloodwood. I really liked the contrast I achieved on the last box.
    What you listen to is your business....what you hear is ours.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Saint Helens, OR
    It's starting to look like our summer weather is starting to give way to fall weather, so I'll be visiting the nursery tomorrow and coming home with a bunch of plants for the flower beds I installed this summer. The final, easiest and most gratifying part is getting the plants in. Looking forward to some hard earned redemption. LOML is very unhappy with the large brown spots previously occupied by grass, weeds and crab grass.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Wyko View Post
    Then I'll be starting 2 humidors for my BIL and I.
    I won't hold my breath!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
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    Going down to Mom's for her birthday Saturday. Rare sighting of my brother and I at Mom's on the same day. Plan on having the workbench drawers ready to seal by EOD Sunday.
    "A hen is only an egg's way of making another egg".

    – Samuel Butler

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