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Thread: Sears 17" DP on Sale! $180

  1. #91
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    DFW, Tx
    The mistake was made by sears, if they cought the problem and corrected it then good for them but they should honor any purchases that came before they corrected it. I got one but when I went to the store and found it they had the 179 price on the floor so I expected them to honor it and held them to it. The manager came to me after they tried to ring it up and told me there was a incorrect price on the internet, he was not aware at the time that the price was marked the same in the store. After sticking to my guns they honored it, now on the flip side If I got to the store and they had the correct price on the floor then I probably would not have made a issue over it if they did not want to honor it.
    And yes I have had issues with sears in the past so I do not feel sorry for them.

  2. #92
    I think the idea that someone will get fired over the issue is pretty dumb if it's a simple issue of someone using a numeric keypad and hitting a #4 instead of a #1.

    I hope that's not the case - and if Sears has a brain, and the individual who made the key entry mistake doesn't have a spotty record, they'll do more damage to morale and retention by doing some such thing.

    I've worked for folks where every honest mistake was met with belittling and threats, and it sure is a poor way to treat people.

  3. Well, here's my story.

    I called my local Sears(kinda of a Mom n Pop's deal) and the salesman said he couldn't order for some reason or another. So I ordered the DP online to pick up at a larger Mall store because I assumed I would have a better chance of catching it in stock. I printed the ad as well as the order # just to be on the safe side.

    This morning I got the "item cancelled" email. Within the hour I received a 2nd email saying the item was ready for pickup. I wasn't going to follow up but my wife insisted, saying 'it was advertised and they should honor the price'. So I called the store and was told that the order was still open according to their computer and the dp was available for pick up. I asked point blank if I were to come to the store was the item definitely available and was told yes.

    So, I jump in my truck and start the 65 mile trip. Half way there I received a call from the store manager that said the drill was out of stock and they could order and have me one by November 26 for the price of $479. I told her that I had called and verified the item was there and ready to go and she told me that the pickup email had just come across their desks and the person I had talked to didn't know they were out of stock. I guess the inventory he was looking at was on a different computer than the one she was using.

    Anyway, I didn't get the drill press. I have no problem with that, mistakes happen and I understand. I just wish I hadn't been given the run around.

  4. #94
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Northern Colorado
    I think I just got a new and yet again different message... is Sears just completely out of touch w/ customer service?
    Yes, it would have been a great price but I know it was a pricing mistake. Therefore, I understood that I may or may not get it. No big deal, I'm okay with that
    I received a cancellation notice from them this morning, which was expected. I'm okay with that too.
    However, I received another message from the customer service side of sears that stated the following:
    "Unfortunately, order requests were much greater than anticipated for the "while quantities last" item and as a result, we are unable to fulfill your order.... " Heh, BULLsnikes...
    Sure, it was a pricing mistake and I don't expect them to adhere to a mistake as I understand the position and would do the same were I a retailer. However, to outright LIE to me that they ran out of limited quantities? Heh, RIGHT... as if that was the reason.
    I replied to the message stating that the real answer was acceptable (pricing mistake) but lying to an intelligent and informed consumer is a dangerous thing to do...

    C'est La Vie.

  5. #95
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Mpls, Minn
    Ever get the feelings sears is going down hill when it comes to customer service?

    Called the store this morning, got a different person this time, they spent almost 20 mins trying to figure out if I'm getting a DP or not, they said they could keep trying or I could call the main office customer service, been though the "I'll call ya back thing" already so I called the main (?) office 800 number, 25 mins on the phone with them ended with she finally found out that the ordered was cancled about 9 last night and they sent a email to tell me that, email goes to my work comp, so I wouldn't see it till monday, I'm figuring its the "we had to cancel because of price booboo.

    I still aint to happy with the store and their attitude, so sears gets a email and rises quite high on my $hit list.

    Mistakes do happen, but I would have settled for them splitting the difference and I probably would have bought the DP anyway.
    Ain't happening now.


    Al....who figures he would have hurt himself unloading the darn thing anyway.
    Remember our vets, they need our help, just like they helped us.

  6. #96
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    McComb, Mississippi

    Drill Press FYI

    I also ordered one on the web site yesterday. I never received a confirmation email or any other corespondance from Sears. I went to the local store today with my printed confirmation but when the manager checked on it she said their systems were down and she would call me later. In the meantime, I received an email from sears saying the price was a mistake and my order had been canceled. About 30 minutes the manager called me and told me that indeed it was a mistake, but they would honor the price at the local store. I went and picked it up and brought it home, ready for assembly. Just wanted to share my experience.

  7. #97
    Good on your local store. They may not have won you as a long term customer with such a move, but I'll bet they didn't lose you, either.

  8. #98
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Wow, just what kind of customer service were you expecting (if any) on a $179 floor drill press?

    Makes me laugh when guys want the absolute lowest price, a really good quality and innovative product, AND want their hand held by a knowledgable sales person. Getting all three is a pipe dream, you might get 2 if your lucky.

  9. #99
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Southern MD
    I got a different letter and a phone call. The explanation from both was that the DP was out of stock because they oversold it ... unexpected volume. I had gotten a confirmation email that said it would be in on the 15th. Whatever, I figured there was a low chance I was going to get it when I ordered.
    Jay St. Peter

  10. #100
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Mpls, Minn
    Just checked this morning at work, yup, got the canceled due to a boo boo and the other email telling me their out of stock.
    Nice to see they work well as a unit...

    O-well, lucky you that got one, congrats.

    Al...who's back looking for a drum sander now...
    Remember our vets, they need our help, just like they helped us.

  11. #101
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Cape Cod, Ma
    Called Sears this morning and was told my DP was in. Just got back and the beast is in the shop! Thanks Russ


    Maybe I'll think about that tomorrow

  12. #102
    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Welliver View Post
    I got one. Went to the local store this morning, where they had it on display but they had cleverly laid a bunch of table saw blades over the price sheet. Not detered, I moved the blades and sure enough, the price sheet had the sale price of $179 at the bottom.

    I called someone over to ask about stock, he said the $179 wasn't for that drill press and pointed out that the TOP HALF of the price sheet said "15-inch drill press". I pointed out that the BOTTOM HALF of the price sheet said "17-inch drill press" right next to the $179 sale price and the model number. Then I pulled the web printout from my pocket and showed him that the stock numbers matched. That seemed to clinch the deal and we headed for the register.

    He checked stock and they had ONE LEFT. I said "I'll take it." He tried to ring it up, but it kept coming up at $479. He called over a manager to override it. She didn't blink, just swiped her card and the deal was done.

    Got it home and set it up. A few cheesy plastic knobs, but it seems to be pretty good where it counts. Runs very smoothly, no discernable runout on the quill. It even has "frickin' laser beams".... :-)

    A big step up from the 13" Harbor Freight I have been using, and it wasn't any more expensive. Actually, the Harbor Freight 13" is $185.

    Great deal -- thanks for the heads up!


    could i get a copy of the internet printout?

  13. #103
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    NW Washington State
    Quote Originally Posted by Randall Davis View Post
    could i get a copy of the internet printout?
    There are a couple copies posted in another thread:

  14. I have received four emails so far. One actually said that may CC did not authorized the transaction, this is not true, never had a problem with this card, so according to Sears this is the first time. Two more emails stated the pricing error. And another email stated "Unfortunately, due to either the demand for the item(s) that you ordered or the method of your payment; we were unable to process your order. Consequently, we will be canceling your order for the item(s) listed below." It is no big deal really. Mistakes happen. But I wish they would get their story straight, make sure that they don't blame the consumer or their "method of payment", and then release one email to everyone stating the error and leave it at that. Four emails with three different reasons is a little silly and redundant.

  15. #105
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Tampa, FL
    Kudos to everyone that managed to get one! I didn't try as I have a 16" JET (I think, can't remember the size!).

    I figured this might be a price error or closeout, or stock would be gone in 5-min.

    On the flip side, I scored a Wii at BestBuy Sunday. Only had 10 and I got the 10th ticket! (after waiting at CC earlier and they had no stock). One guy waiting sold his ticket for $100 before the store opened. He wasn't even there to get a Wii, just stumbled on it and figured why not.

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