I'm going under the knife (or should I say, 'laser') this thursday, 1/17/08, in order to correct my vision.
I researched this for over 2 years and know all the risks and have seen every frightening video about this that exists, so please no fear-mongering.
I am currently near-sighted (can't see far well), and am going with the 'mono-vision' option. That means I will be able to see far well with my dominant distant eye (right eye for me) and see up close with my left eye, because I don't want to have to use reading glasses in the future when I get old (er).
Has anyone else here on SMC tried this? I have been told it may take several weeks to get used to the "stereo vision". I took the MD's suggestion and tried wearing only one contact for a week to see how I liked it. It will either work once I get used to it, or I will slowly find myself going insane and decide to get the other eye corrected as well.

If any of you have tried it- either the monovision or laser vision correction in general- please post your opinions of how well you liked your results.

Oh...and wish me luck... prayers also accepted.
