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Thread: New England Who??????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Bucks County, Pa

    New England Who??????

    WOW!! The Patriots and Tom Brady had a chance to join the Dolphins as the only two undeafeated teams in NFL history. Brady and Belicheck both came off so small it was pathetic. The Giants weren't even thought of as a team to be a Superbowl contender when the season started. Tom Coughlin who was publicly castrated by some of his players last year beat Bellicheck and Brady. I guess all talk about how great the Pats are and Brady verses Montana can now cease since Brady looked like a 5th string quatrerback out there tonight. I'm not a Giants fan either but they made the Patriots and Brady look bad tonight. Couldn't close the door on an inferior opponent.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Saint Helens, OR
    The Giants weren't an inferior opponent. The Pats were the inferior opponent. Brady looked like an average QB. Since Belichick was able to spot to many men on the field by a split second one does has to wonder how he missed the final two seconds on the game clock. Especially since everyone else knew there was two seconds left on it.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Frank Orzehoski View Post
    WOW!! The Patriots and Tom Brady had a chance to join the Dolphins as the only two undeafeated teams in NFL history. Brady and Belicheck both came off so small it was pathetic. The Giants weren't even thought of as a team to be a Superbowl contender when the season started. Tom Coughlin who was publicly castrated by some of his players last year beat Bellicheck and Brady. I guess all talk about how great the Pats are and Brady verses Montana can now cease since Brady looked like a 5th string quatrerback out there tonight. I'm not a Giants fan either but they made the Patriots and Brady look bad tonight. Couldn't close the door on an inferior opponent.
    I think you can credit alot of that to the Giants defense.That had to be the most hammering Brady saw all year long.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Greg Peterson View Post
    The Giants weren't an inferior opponent. The Pats were the inferior opponent. Brady looked like an average QB. Since Belichick was able to spot to many men on the field by a split second one does has to wonder how he missed the final two seconds on the game clock. Especially since everyone else knew there was two seconds left on it.

    Good point Greg BUT, they weren't thought of as an NFC Champion before the season started (Bears, Eagles and Saints were the teams thought to go) and everybody was picking the Patriots to win tonight. Not too many people were thinking a Giants win which makes it the win even sweeter for them.

  5. #5
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    I think there is more to the story....Brady was missing easy to wonder about his ankle I think Patriot's strategy of containment or whatever you want to call it...backfired. They should have blitzed Manning more from the begining.

  6. #6
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    Last night at a Poker get together I was the only one to pick the Giants because of their defense. Ironically, Spagnola came form the Eagles who came close to beating the Pats in the regular season if it had been for bad play calling by Andy Reed and a horrible back up quaterback in AJ Feeley. The Giants deserve alot of credit for this win.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Gary Keedwell View Post
    I think there is more to the story....Brady was missing easy to wonder about his ankle I think Patriot's strategy of containment or whatever you want to call it...backfired. They should have blitzed Manning more from the begining.

    The ankle might have had an effect.The Giants getting in his face alot didn't help.What puzzles me is,where was the Pats offensive line.Normally Brady has all day long to find a reciever.I fiqured they would protect even more due to the ankle.

  8. #8
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    Ok, so back to back abysmal playoff games and its his ankle?? The Giants D had nothing to do with it right?!?!

  9. #9
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    Just a few observations from someone who did not have a dog in this fight:

    1. Brady's ankle may or may not have had an effect on his play.....

    2. The Giants defense was ridiculed at the beginning of the season as not up to NFL standards by a lot of sports commentators.Tonight Giants defense rose to the occasion. They played a great game.

    3. The Giant's coach's future with the team was being questioned early in the season.

    4. Eli Mannings future with the Giants and in the NFL was being questioned early in the season.

    5. If you watch football pre-game shows...check this out. This season, in college and pro football, when all of the commentators picked a single team to win a was like the kiss of death for that team. It happened a lot in both college and pro football this year.

    6. Both teams played a great game. But....somebody has to win.
    Last edited by Ken Fitzgerald; 02-03-2008 at 11:56 PM.

    So much to learn, so little time.....

  10. #10
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    Good. Maybe now all the Patriot ballyhoo will come to an end. I really don't like the Giants at all. But it's been so long that they have won a Super Bowl, good for them. Folks like to root for the underdog.

    With the stuff earlier on the Pat's cheating ordeal, so many Pat's fans have been boisterous with every win, in your face, take that, call us cheats will ya?

    Got old in a hurry.

    They had a powerful season. Good team that's for sure. Glad this one is over.

    Anyhow I bet theres a party going on in New York!
    One good turn deserves another

  11. #11
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    It was a great game!
    David B

  12. #12
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    Except for winning his first Super Bowl, young Eli reminded me of a young Elway: grit, determination, and coming into his own in his 4th year. Elway took Denver to their first SB in his 4th year but guess who beat them? The Giants!

    The Mannings have quite the family...amazing.
    Wood: a fickle medium....

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  13. #13
    Sorry, have to chime in here.

    Long time Patriots fan and grew up in New England.

    Never in my life have I seen so many people NOT want to see a "good deed". Living outside of New England, so many say, I hate the Patriots.. Why? Because your fav. team didn't do so well? So now you have to hate a winner. Yes, they lost... but still outstanding year!

    Can you honestly tell me that you have heard New England fans claiming victory before the game. Yes, I thought MY team was going to win, because I believe in them. But not once did I think they couldn't loose. That was for every game this year. And most New Englanders feel this way.

    Just because this decade has been good to Pats, doesn't mean you have to cast them as "I hate them". Remember when 49's had their run or the Steelers. I still routed for my team but didn't "hate" the other team. I guess it's the time we are in.

    Cheating, call it all the names, what ever. If you spent 2min on the net reading, you'd understand that all the teams do this. The Pats goofed on the protocol of filming and got a hefty fine. Hmm the Jets got caught doing the same but that went away in the press, right.

    Hats off to the Giants, this superbowl was a great game. Both came to play for a win and Giants earned it.

    Stop drinking the "Hater-aide" and be a fan of the game. Maybe your team will be their one day?


  14. #14
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    You're right Peter...

    I gave a woman's point of view over on the N.E. Patriots post (if anyone wants to read it). I agree with you, nobody should hate the Patriots. They had an outstanding season! We all have to be good sports as Mom always taught me (of course she was a Bears fan).

    I did cheer for the Giants (yep the team that defeated my team), I just like the underdogs, not because I don't like the Patriots.

    Have a great day everyone!

    "It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get up"
    Vince Lombardi

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    I don't buy the ankle theory and I doubt Brady or any other player would use that as an excuse because at this point in the season, every player is banged up, sore and tired.

    NY's defense turned Brady into a mere mortal. Brady didn't play a good game and you have to give the NY defense credit for that. They neutralized his weapons.

    It's too bad the Pats didn't score at least the 17 points Burress predicted.

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