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Thread: Drum Sander Gloat

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Forrest City Arknasas

    Drum Sander Gloat

    Greetings & Salutations,

    I think this was just too good to pass up.

    I have been looking at drum sanders for a while now
    and I found this one on eBay.

    It is a performax 16-32 has the casters, table extensions
    and 4 extra boxes of sand paper.

    Only cost me $600 which includes shipping.

    Did I get a deal? I think I did after researching what new ones
    cost and what some of the old ones are going for.

    There was a 16-32 that sold just minutes before I got this one
    that did not have the casters, feed tables or extra paper and it
    had to be picked up. He got $575 for it.


    I just can't wait to get my hands on this baby and start using
    it. I have about 20 or 30 cutting boards in my short term future
    and know this is going to save me loads of time and frustration.

    Look forward to the input.

    And to think it only took me 2 weeks 26 hours and 43 minutes to get that top flat.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    I think you did good!I to have been looking at them,but will wait till I fine a used one local.I hope!After you have used it for awhile,let us know your thoughts on the 16/32. Carroll

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Griswold Connecticut
    You're going to like that sander alot Gene. It will work very well on those cutting boards.
    I've owned one for a few years now. Sometimes they get a negative review here and there, but that's mostly due to folks, me included, trying to use it outside of it's capabilities. It's a very nice light duty sander.
    Changing paper is a bit of a trial at first, but I can change grits in a minute or two now.

    Lots of light passes, turn the handle no more than a 1/6th of a turn between height changes, set the speed about 1/2-2/3 of full, and all should go well.

    Nice Gloat.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Forrest City Arknasas
    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Cutler View Post
    You're going to like that sander a lot Gene. It will work very well on those cutting boards.
    I've owned one for a few years now. Sometimes they get a negative review here and there, but that's mostly due to folks, me included, trying to use it outside of it's capabilities. It's a very nice light duty sander.
    Changing paper is a bit of a trial at first, but I can change grits in a minute or two now.

    Lots of light passes, turn the handle no more than a 1/6th of a turn between height changes, set the speed about 1/2-2/3 of full, and all should go well.

    Nice Gloat.

    Thanks Mike,

    I am somewhat particular in that I tend to not push my equipment
    very hard if at all possible. I have my jointer set on a very small
    cut, like 1/32 or less if I remember right, and just take more passes and
    when using my planer I also very very seldom take more than 1/32 at a time and many times less than that.

    I think it pays off in the long run kind of like the commercial that says
    "pay me now or pay me later" .

    I have had the planer over a year and just the other day changed the
    knives for the very first time and the first side was really not doing that
    bad a job.

    I have read many of the reviews and posts about this sander and had
    already made up my mind that slow and easy was the buzz word for this
    machine but that is fine with me as I can run a board thru a lot easier
    that I can stand at the bench and hold a buzzing ROS for long periods
    of time.

    I appreciate the words of advice and will let you know how it works
    once I get it and find a spot in the shop.

    And to think it only took me 2 weeks 26 hours and 43 minutes to get that top flat.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Summit, NJ
    good deal. This will be 1000x easer than a ROS. Oh yea and they will be flat you can't get a flat board form a ROS, to me this is a must have tool and that little jet is a nice machine if you use it to it's capibilities. The infeed and out feed tables are also a nice help.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Encinitas, CA
    Congratulations! You got a good deal. Jet recently increased their prices too. You will be pleased.

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