Well I finally finished building my miter & radial arm saw station. The bench is 15' 3" long, 35" deep and 36" high. I also installed my router insert on the left side of the bench that has a 4" duct from the cyclone to the underside of the router and a 2 1/2" duct to the fence. I put a door in front to access the router speed control and locking arm. It is 34" between centers of the miter saw and radial arm saw blades. The dust control for the miter saw has a 6” duct going to a 12" to 6" reducer that sits under the saw with a 1 1/2" duct going to the dust port in back of the saw. On the radial arm saw there is a 5" duct going to the back of the saw and a 2 1/2" hose going to the blade guard dust port.
The first picture is what my bench looked like and the second is the finished bench.
Thanks for viewing!
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<IMG SRC="http://sekingusa.home.comcast.net/after.jpg">