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Thread: Weekend doin's?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Broken Arrow(Tulsa), OK

    Weekend doin's?

    Good Friday Morning All,

    It's definately summer time in Okieland, hot and muggy! I will be "enjoying" the Oklahoma summer weather on a more upclose and personal basis for the next 8 days as I "sag" for my wife as she rides her bicycle across the state in the annual Freewheel Ride along with a couple of thousand other folks. I drive the pickup and pull our little popup trailer so she has a place to sleep each night. On a positive note, I won't be working and I'll get lots of reading done.

    What's happening in your world this weekend?

    Have a great weekend everyone,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada
    The weather here is supposed to be nice (highs around 20 celcius and no rain -perfect working weather). I hope to finish framing the walls of my workshop before leaving Sunday afternoon or yet another week at my daughter's near Ottawa.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    near Charlotte, NC


    That's a nice way to spend the weekend, Bob!
    I start my week's vacation this evening, so....
    I plan to:
    Finish building a kitchen base cabinet I've been working on the last 3 days. I'll worry about priming and painting it until next week.
    Build a panel sled for the new Powermatic 64.
    Make a couple of new push blocks.
    Have my niece over to spend the weekend with us.
    Spray and water the roses; water the flower and vegetable gardens.
    Hoe the gardens.
    Finish prepping the vehicle for the vacation camping trip in Cherokee, NC at the NC State Bluegrass Festival.
    Bluegrass - Finger Pickin Good!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    SE PA - Central Bucks County
    This will be a compressed weekend for travel to the UK means cutting it short by a day. I have some carving to do on the bubinga platter I started last weekend and if luck has it, the replacement switch will be here for the FS350 and I can continue milling parts for the buffet. Of course, grass mowing will cut into Saturday's activities since it's going to continue raining all day today, thwarting my ability to deal with it before the "official" weekend begins. But any shop time is good shop time!

    The most expensive tool is the one you buy "cheaply" and often...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Clermont County, OH
    Well, I closed on my "old" house Thursday morning and will be moving in to the new pad this weekend. I am not looking forward to moving all my lumber and all my tools.....

    At least this entire process will be behind me soon....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    SF Bay Area, CA
    Lil' bit of BMW work Saturday morning and after that, I'm really going to dig into the remodel of the garage with some software I have.
    Wood: a fickle medium....

    Did you know SMC is user supported? Please help.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Geneva, Swisscheeseland
    Hopefully finish the shelf in this thread

    A flute without holes, is not a flute. A donut without a hole, is a Danish.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Lafayette, IN
    Jim, right now, I wish I could mow the lawn, but that would be extremely difficult, considering I cannot see a single blade of my grass right now. I think the deepest part is at about 23". Let's just say that we got a little bit of rain last night and this morning. At least the shop floor is only slightly damp, and the worst of it will be that I have to retrieve some of my firewood pile from up to a block away. Whose idea was it for wood to float, anyway? Our cellar/basement (nothing of importance down there) is completely full right now, and actually, the door to it is under 4" of water.

    I may post pics later...

    "Don't get stuck on stupid." --Lt. Gen. Russel Honore

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Peachtree City, GA

    ...finish moving..

    Gotta finish moving my workshop into storage. This entails moving the TS, and stored lumber. We are moving into our new place (1885 Victorian Cottage) next weekend, and won't have a garage/workshop built until late August.....soooo...I guess I'll have time to help around the yard and house. I absolutely HATE moving, but this is a good move, and we're really excited about the new place. Some "before" pics are posted on our wedding website:

    Happy weekend!


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Olathe, Kansas (Kansas City)
    Well we haven't had that much rain, but enough that the fertilizer I planted a week ago in in full effect. I need to mow/trim.

    I hope to finish a door for a corner cabinet I built for my bar area and get it hung. Wire a switch for the light, finish up some trim pieces and drill for shelves.

    Probably catch the new Garfield movie with my son.

    Finally, if at all possible rebuild part of the planer stand to accept the new 13" Ridgid Planer I bought Monday for $149 (Hidden Gloat ).

    All in all, I know we have tons to do this weekend.
    Scott C. in KC
    Befco Designs

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Grand Marais, MN. A transplant from Minneapolis
    I'm sorry I can't do anything today although free from the paying job we were informed that we are in mourning!
    I did get to talk shop with a long retired "shop teacher" does a lot of work for Habitat and international food relief. Facinating guy with many skills and great stories.
    Punch list, ceramic tile, sailboat prep, family get together and the long list of graduation parties. 3 this week end.
    Have a good one.
    Last edited by Tyler Howell; 06-14-2004 at 12:42 PM.
    Live Like You Mean It.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Richland WA/Lafayette, LA
    Gotta mow the grass, it is getting a bit high and my dog is giving me ugly looks in the morning when the dew is on the ground. Guess she doesn't like it.

    Then, since my wife is going down to her Mom's for the day and taking my son, I will be working on getting the pieces cut for jigs for the fence jig from "Table Saw Magic" book. I saw his article in the one mag and the BOSS was in a book store this morning and got me the book. Then I just have to wait for the hardware to come in and install it.
    <hr noshade="noshade" size="1">

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Prescott, Arizona
    Drove to Arizona............OK, you wont get that line anymore coz I am officially moved here now....finally.

    Brought the tribe on Thursday and we are here and "settled".

    They broke ground on the shop again....( I added 4 foot after they had already dug them, oops).

    So, supposed to be framing in a couple of weeks and I can start the electrics. Cant wait. I see my tools each day stacked in the garage waiting for me to use them......

    Have a safe weekend y'all.

    By the way, sorry you have to go to England again Mr Becker.

    Have fun

  14. #14
    Just about to finish up Phase Two (Phase One was the wall cabinets) of SWMBO sewing room. Phase Two is the base cabinets that are comprised of several adjustable shelves with doors and six large drawers. All the CAD work for Phase Three, the main sewing surface, is done. I hope to start cutting the pieces this weekend. For those of you who use CutListPlus, there are 105 entries in the list! There are 33 drawers in this puppy! I figure with a couple hundred parts that are similar but different, I'm good for about 50 Ah Sh....s!!!

    When I finish this project, I will post some pics.
    If sawdust were gold, I'd be rich!

    Byron Trantham
    Fredericksburg, VA
    WUD WKR1

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Sapulpa, OK
    I've been working on a bathroom cabinet today...going to take a while...will post before and after pics when done. Tomorrow the LOML is going with me to a blueberry farm about an hour away and we have to get 7 gallons of them. Hopefully we'll get back in time to mow the hay field in my back yard (if it doesn't rain), and more work on the cabinet.

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