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Thread: Total Knee done Aug 16

  1. #16
    Hi David..good luck on your re-hab, of course. I had my left knee done on Apr 10, and my right knee on Jul 17. Yes, both this year. While it is not the easiest thing I have ever done, it is not impossible. Re-hab is your friend. The more diligent you are, results come faster. BUT, don't overdo it either. This takes time. I do therapy twice weekly, and it really does help, greatly. I also have a shop in the basement. I use trips up and down the stairs as extra therapy. I just finished nailing..yes, nailed..a birdhouse together. A simple project for sure, but satisfying. A sideboard is next. RE.the pain meds..TAKE THEM..if you do not feel as good as you can, you may slack off on therapy. I know..cause it hurts. It will get better. bill

  2. #17
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    I'm facing a need to have my knee replaced, but I have as variable perhaps the others who have responded do not have to deal with: addiction to pain medication. If I take one I can't stop til they are gone. This is the one thing holding me back. I am affraid to face what I've been told is one of the most painful recoveries there are.
    When I had both shoulders done years ago I had an excellent surgeon but he was death on narcotic pain meds. I had to beg for each and every pill. I had to call the nurse's station from home to request a refill and was always told they would call it in at another time if the doctor approved it.
    He often became angry and hostile with me over to the matter. Why? I did not ask to become addicted. I had no control over it. I just don't understand why a doctor would become angry at me for something out of my hands.

    So....I face the very likely probability of going through this without meds. My condition had reached critical mass. The sound of my knee particularly going up and down stairs creeps me out. There is obviously bare bone on bare bone. My with thinks walking more will fix it. How, if there is no longer softer tissue remaining?

    I'd be most appreciative of others who have faced this procedure without opioids sharing their story with me.

    Anyone use medical marijuana? Did it help you through the rehab to the very end?
    In Illinois we now have medical marijuana available, but I understand it is difficult to qualify.

    All comments and suggestions welcome. I can't go much longer with this knee.

  3. #18
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    NW Indiana
    I have chronic pain issues from my back, hips and other things. I think you should find a "good" pain management doctor and discuss your issues with him. They will have some good ideas. My experience is that orthopedic doctors do great with surgery but not as good with handling the pain issues.

    My pain management doctor has been a great help to me and suggesting options.

  4. #19
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    Atlanta, GA
    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Jobe View Post
    I'm facing a need to have my knee replaced, but I have as variable perhaps the others who have responded do not have to deal with: addiction to pain medication. If I take one I can't stop til they are gone. This is the one thing holding me back. I am affraid to face what I've been told is one of the most painful recoveries there are.
    When I had both shoulders done years ago I had an excellent surgeon but he was death on narcotic pain meds. I had to beg for each and every pill. I had to call the nurse's station from home to request a refill and was always told they would call it in at another time if the doctor approved it.
    He often became angry and hostile with me over to the matter. Why? I did not ask to become addicted. I had no control over it. I just don't understand why a doctor would become angry at me for something out of my hands.

    So....I face the very likely probability of going through this without meds. My condition had reached critical mass. The sound of my knee particularly going up and down stairs creeps me out. There is obviously bare bone on bare bone. My with thinks walking more will fix it. How, if there is no longer softer tissue remaining?

    I'd be most appreciative of others who have faced this procedure without opioids sharing their story with me.

    Anyone use medical marijuana? Did it help you through the rehab to the very end?
    In Illinois we now have medical marijuana available, but I understand it is difficult to qualify.

    All comments and suggestions welcome. I can't go much longer with this knee.
    Bill, I am completely empathetic w your predicament-more so than I can say.

    For myself, I am texting my mother in law every time I take the pain meds.

    I must say that it's all about motive.

    I agree that a Pain Mgmt doc would be an excellent choice for you. And, the ortho will be glad to have that monkey of her/his back.

    Given the crisis in opiate deaths in the US currently, there is a national database that allows physicians.....oops "providers" to see all Scheduled meds filled by any particular person.

    There is a lot of evidence-good evidence, and not 'new'-that verifies that when you wait too long to take the meds, the nervous system get sensitized to the pain stimulus (more problems), and the person begins to display certain behaviors just to get well-deserved pain meds (another problem).

    Plus, I can tell you that despite my reluctance to take the meds, my recovery has seemed to go a little faster since I am not limping around all the time, moaning and groaning (ie, am doing more, thus better recovery).

    So, if you have one in your area-get a Pain Mgmt consultant. This is the exact scenario these fine folks trained for. Use them. Everyone involved in your care will appreciate it. Then, don't fret over it. Just check your motive, and be a patient.
    Confidence: That feeling you get before fully understanding a situation (Anonymous)

  5. #20
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    Atlanta, GA
    Quote Originally Posted by bill kaminski View Post
    Hi David..good luck on your re-hab, of course. I had my left knee done on Apr 10, and my right knee on Jul 17. Yes, both this year. While it is not the easiest thing I have ever done, it is not impossible. Re-hab is your friend. The more diligent you are, results come faster. BUT, don't overdo it either. This takes time. I do therapy twice weekly, and it really does help, greatly. I also have a shop in the basement. I use trips up and down the stairs as extra therapy. I just finished nailing..yes, nailed..a birdhouse together. A simple project for sure, but satisfying. A sideboard is next. RE.the pain meds..TAKE THEM..if you do not feel as good as you can, you may slack off on therapy. I know..cause it hurts. It will get better. bill
    I have accidentally flexed my knee a couple of times more than I normally would (I never knew getting up/down from commode would be an issue), and it hurt like crazy at the time, now, a few days later, I can go down stairs somewhat normally. Excellent.

    I start outpatient PT next week.

    Yes, I'm down in my shop today a little w my Jobst stocking on. Cleaning up mostly. Still dreaming about doing some real WW before long.
    Confidence: That feeling you get before fully understanding a situation (Anonymous)

  6. #21
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    I was sent to a pain management clinic about 15 years ago. I had asked my doctor for hydrocodone for damage to my neck from a rear end collision over 40 years ago. No deal, he told me, and sent me to the clinic. I thought "Oh Boy. NSAIDs 'aplenty!

    But they put me on amitriptyline and after about 4 or 5 weeks a pain on the side of my face and neck that was often debilitating was gone. I had suffered 20some years needlessly.

    But that drug only works on what they referred to as systemic pain. Probably won't do anything for knee surgery.

    By the way, I had someone very close to me die from long-term use of maximum doses of hydrocodone and an anti-psycotic (sp?).

    David, are you saying you have an addiction problem but are able to control your use of hydrocodone?
    For me any of that stuff is like getting hit broadside by a train. Don't matter how many cars it has, it's that first one, if you understand what i'm trying to tell you.
    I just can't see myself controlling its use.

    As it is right now, I have been wearing a brace 24/7 and my knee is pretty much pain free. But that bone on me the creeps.

  7. #22
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    I'm one of those folks that cannot tolerate the "good drugs"...for my recent wrist surgery, I only used them for one day post-surgery and then switched 100% to ibuprofen alternated with acetaminophen. Why? The "good drugs" have some side effects I don't prefer. While constipation is the most well known, I'm one of a small percentage of folks who get constant hiccups from drugs like Percocet, etc...and that's MADDENING! That one day post-surgery, I had the hiccups from 5am through midnight, non-stop. Nope...I'll deal with the pain in another way, thank you very much! That said...I do believe there's value in mitigating post-surgical or chronic pain in whatever way works best for the individual and folks should accept what's best for them.

    The most expensive tool is the one you buy "cheaply" and often...

  8. #23
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    For hiccups eat a spoon full of sugar.

    Codeine is the only narcotic that constipates me.

    For some reason hydrocodone works better for me than percoset. They always give me (what they consider stronger) Percocet at first, then put me on hydrocodone, supposedly not as powerful. They work just the opposite on me.
    I had both rotator cuffs done, appendix and tonsil, one right after the other. The tonsil scared me because my doctor told me he was almost certain it was a fast growing throat cancer that has about a 5 percent survival rate. That was long 2 weeks waiting on the biopsy !!!
    It was an infected tonsil.
    The appendix almost took me out. The surgeon told me he almost lost me. I had gangrene.

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Jobe View Post
    David, are you saying you have an addiction problem but are able to control your use of hydrocodone?
    Bill, to be clear: No-I have no illusion of "controlled ______ use". That simply does not work for me.

    It sounds like you have had a reasonably positive experience w Pain Mgmt before.

    Brace? Man, if I could still be pain free w a brace (I coupled the brace w TENS unit, and Thermacare heat packs all @ the same time), I would not have had the surgery.

    Fortunately, I did not wait until there was structural joint deformity-which makes an optimal outcome more difficult.

    Bill-I wish you the very best, and have tried to be helpful; however, I am not keen on going down this particular road further.

    See an orthopaedic surgeon that you trust, and let them give you your options.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Becker View Post
    I'm one of those folks that cannot tolerate the "good drugs"...for my recent wrist surgery, I only used them for one day post-surgery and then switched 100% to ibuprofen alternated with acetaminophen. Why? The "good drugs" have some side effects I don't prefer. While constipation is the most well known, I'm one of a small percentage of folks who get constant hiccups from drugs like Percocet, etc...and that's MADDENING! That one day post-surgery, I had the hiccups from 5am through midnight, non-stop. Nope...I'll deal with the pain in another way, thank you very much! That said...I do believe there's value in mitigating post-surgical or chronic pain in whatever way works best for the individual and folks should accept what's best for them.
    This is great information for many reasons. Thanks, Jim
    Confidence: That feeling you get before fully understanding a situation (Anonymous)

  10. #25
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    David, I apologise if it seems I hyjacked your thread. You as well as other posters have been very helpful.

    I guess I see my doctor next Friday. I had 3 weeks from Friday in my calendar but they called me about getting blood drawn yesterday and that usually preceeds an office visit by a week.
    I'm still recouperating from serious anemia. Found out today they have only been measuring the amount of iron in my body, not where and what form it's in. They're just throwing mega-doses of iron at the problem and I'm not improving.
    I had to take a proactive stance since they've dropped the ball twice already when a simple blood test would have sufficed. Instead I got a full GI scope including the camera you swallow, a heart stress test and twice they ran the camera up through my heart and main arteries.
    Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they did all that, but why no full iron panel? Got it yesterday at my request. Should have results Tuesday.

    Again, thank you all for the support and advice.
    David, careful with that new knee. And I hope you the very best and you're able to control the pain.

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Jobe View Post
    David, I apologise if it seems I hyjacked your thread. You as well as other posters have been very helpful.

    I guess I see my doctor next Friday. I had 3 weeks from Friday in my calendar but they called me about getting blood drawn yesterday and that usually preceeds an office visit by a week.
    I'm still recouperating from serious anemia. Found out today they have only been measuring the amount of iron in my body, not where and what form it's in. They're just throwing mega-doses of iron at the problem and I'm not improving.
    I had to take a proactive stance since they've dropped the ball twice already when a simple blood test would have sufficed. Instead I got a full GI scope including the camera you swallow, a heart stress test and twice they ran the camera up through my heart and main arteries.
    Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they did all that, but why no full iron panel? Got it yesterday at my request. Should have results Tuesday.

    Again, thank you all for the support and advice.
    David, careful with that new knee. And I hope you the very best and you're able to control the pain.
    Good wishes all around Bill.

    But, dang, I noticed that was post # 666 w you.
    Confidence: That feeling you get before fully understanding a situation (Anonymous)

  12. #27
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    That's ok. Jesus has me covered.
    Besides I'm on 667 now.

  13. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by David Ragan View Post
    I have accidentally flexed my knee a couple of times more than I normally would (I never knew getting up/down from commode would be an issue), and it hurt like crazy at the time, now, a few days later, I can go down stairs somewhat normally. Excellent.

    I start outpatient PT next week.

    Yes, I'm down in my shop today a little w my Jobst stocking on. Cleaning up mostly. Still dreaming about doing some real WW before long.
    Way glad you are getting better, and I hear you about the commode!! Sort of the way I approach this re-hab..goals such as the commode thing. Sunday past, I lost my BIL, and now am charged with make a box for his ashes. Shop time is now somewhat urgent. I am improving, and you will too.This past 7-10 days have seen a marked improvement. Keep at it. bill

  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by bill kaminski View Post
    Way glad you are getting better, and I hear you about the commode!! Sort of the way I approach this re-hab..goals such as the commode thing. Sunday past, I lost my BIL, and now am charged with make a box for his ashes. Shop time is now somewhat urgent. I am improving, and you will too.This past 7-10 days have seen a marked improvement. Keep at it. bill
    Thanks, Bill

    Sorry about your BIL....I did my most inspired work making an urn for our little cat-an entirely different situation, but I did love that little cat.
    Confidence: That feeling you get before fully understanding a situation (Anonymous)

  15. #30
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    My mother just had her right knee done the end of July, & healing has been a slow process for her.
    Kind of off the subject a little, but, I drove OTR 35 years. In 2009, I came in off the road w/flu like symptoms. Body aches, head ache, etc. but the pain was gettin' worse all the time. When I parked the truck in our yard in hoxie, Ks., & the mechanic & the owner of the truck seen the shape I was in, they got my clothes bag & paper work out of the truck for me, got me in my pick up, & headed me home. Normally it's about an hour & 15 minute drive home. It took me over 3 hours bcause of the pain & bein' sleepy. my bride had the law lookin' for me, the boss had the law lookin' for me. When I finally got here to the house, I didn't know my wife, our dogs, nothin'! The last thing I remembered was parkin' my truck in the yard, talkin' to the boss. I kept askin' my wife what she done with my truck. I couldn't see the runnin' lights, or hear it runnin'. Couldn't smell diesel smoke from it or the reefer cyclin' on the trailer! I was lost! My wife took me to the ER, & by that time I was nearly unconscious. They toted me into the ER, run my vitals, & the Sawbones on duty decided to do epidurals in my back for pain, instead of IV. She stuck me 4x & missed everytime. So she ended up w/IV & morphine in my left arm. The testing began. They tested me for everything they could think of. It finally came back I had viral meningitis. I laid in that hospital for 8 months. Lost the use of both legs, & partial use of my left arm. With tons of therapy, I had to learn to walk again, & build the strength in my left arm.

    This lead to two major back surgeries, about a year of therapy, & the news of 3 more back surgeries to go. I spent a lot of time healin', & tryin' to walk & move on my own. Big mistake. I'm able to walk & get around on my own now, but have severe limitations. No longer able to work, so I spend my time in the wood shop til the pain gets to me.

    I didn't mean to hijack your thread, but the point I'm tryin' to make is, let your body do it's work during your healing process. You'll heal faster, & more efficiently. Mind what your Sawbones says, & heed every word. They've got the education. My apologies for the length. Get back on your feet soon!
    Last edited by Brad Barnhart; 09-13-2017 at 12:56 AM.

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