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Thread: Link to Dylan video

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    Link to Dylan video

    For Joan it was most likely that magic moment back in '63 all over again. For most of the crowd it was most likely the words of the very best...and the way he delivers them, although Bob's guitar player gets a rousing "yes" where he really shines ( why couldn't he have drawn that out a bit longer. It's delicious).

    But for Bob, I can see him thinking about how he can't wait to hear what his guitarist has cooked up.
    Joan is in his way, probaby, buy Bob sure is keeping an eye on his guitar player.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sam Force View Post
    Here's one I keep going back to a lot. He left a verse out, though.
    The time this was shot, during The Rolling Thunder Review, is a favorite time in his life because I had just recently "discovered" him.
    The first song of his that I really "heard" was tangled up in Blue from Blood on the Tracks.
    Still one of my favorite slbums. But Highway 61 Revisited is my favorite album
    I was hooked and began buying and listening to Dylan and only Dylan.

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    Think I may have already posted this here some time back. Not sure so here it is again.

    The song: Tear of Rage.

    Here's a review i found that gives the history of the song. I've copy and pasted it because my Antivirus warned me about going there and I did not want to post it and cause you to have you computer messed up.

    There is a commentary by Andy Gill which speaks of the vocals being “Wracked with bitterness and regret, its narrator reflects upon promises broken and truths ignored, on how greed has poisoned the well of best intentions, and how even daughters can deny their father’s wishes.” He also sees the song possibly commenting on the betrayal felt by many American Vietnam war veterans.

    But when we start going down that route much depends whether you interpret Independence Day as being a coincidence – it just happened to be Independence Day when she was born or christened or baptized or … or whether you see that as the heart of the symbolism of the whole piece. Or whether, and this is where my thought pops up – Dylan just happened to come up with those opening lines

    We carried you in our arms
    On Independence Day

    and thought, “that’s interesting” and worked on from there.

    But many commentators do like to hold to the view that Dylan generally puts secret messages into the song, so there are comments that the “life is brief” theme takes us to the Old Testament once again. Or maybe we are in the arena of Ars longa vita brevis – “Art is eternal, life is short”. Which is why the song’s chorus is so utterly desperate – please come now, I’ve not got much time left.

    I guess the problem that I have is I don’t really see how a father can be betrayed by his daughter short of her handing him over to the enemy during an uprising. One bring’s one’s children into the world, one gives them all one has to give, and then one gives them their freedom. When we have a family we create free spirits who can go their own way and do their own thing. And just as a parents love has to be unconditional, so is the gift of freedom to make their own choices.

    To try and unravel this sort of conundrum of the meaning I’ve been turning increasingly to the notion of what Dylan was actually writing about around the time a particularly problematic song arose. In this case the chronology (with the briefest possible summary of each song) is…

    I shall be released – I’m trapped, please release me
    Too Much of Nothing – She’s trapped by waters of oblivion (she possibly being TS Eliot’s first wife trapped in the mental hospital)
    Tears of rage – I’m trapped in my misery by my daughter’s departure
    Quinn the Eskimo – The Mighty Quinn – Ev’rybody’s in despair Ev’ry girl and boy…
    The Ballad of Frankie Lee and Judas Priest -events happen but without any explanation, precedent or (quite often) logical consequence.
    Drifter’s Escape – the drifter is trapped until a bolt of lighting hits and the prisoner is set free.
    These little comments of mine after each song are of course just snippets from the review, but to me they are the essence of the whole series of songs – being trapped, and if there is a chance of release from the entrapment it occurs only by chance. Aside from the theme of being trapped there is also a certain theme of the randomness of society running through all these songs culminating in the way the Drifter gets out of jail free…

    Just then a bolt of lightning
    Struck the courthouse out of shape
    And while everybody knelt to pray
    The drifter did escape

    Of course these are just my explanations and I do recognise that a thousand other explanations are possible. But if you follow this line, you’ll appreciate the randomness of events – the father has done everything right (as he sees it) and then she’s off. How can she do this to him?

    Maybe this was the world that Dylan saw when he suggested that “Everybody must get stoned”.

    But which ever way we go, the notion that the parent is grieving over the path that his offspring has taken, seems to be the most viable one. It’s also the simplest, and that generally means it is the right one.

    The chorus sums up all that heartache into four majestic lines, including that beautiful final declaration of the brevity of life, delivered with the assurance of someone who realizes how easy it is to forget that when you’re young and how hard it is to forget as you grow old.

    As for why this works so well as a piece of music, for once that is not hard to explain. The song is in G major, and starts with a melody built around the chords you might expect: G, Em C. Then in comes A minor (on the word Day in the first verse).

    That’s unusual – not impossible, obviously, but unusual. Now a lesser composer would say to himself, ok, I’ve pulled my trick rabbit out of the hat, you have had your surprise extra chord – the A minor, so let’s go back to G and keep the song moving along conventional lines

    But no, off we go to the chord of F. Completely unexpected. There are songs that will run through the sequence G, Em, C, G. There are songs that run through F, C, G.

    So not only have you got both in these opening four very short lines, you’ve also got that intervening A minor in there as well.

    These chord changes force the melody to take on unusual twists and turns, and that is what causes it all to happen – and in such a very short space of time, and without any feeling of guile or attempted cleverness

    And then you’d think, wow, but that’s enough playing around for one song. But you’d be wrong. Because suddenly we are with the chord of B, which takes us into another key before leading us back to G. And then just in case you didn’t get it, he does it again, and only then takes us back home.

    I certainly can’t be the only musician who on first hearing this, without any background notes as to who wrote what, simply said, “Dylan never wrote that song.” The words yes, but not the music. It just isn’t him.

    Anyway, a beautiful but desperately sad song, with a very, very sad associated history.

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    Always loved to hear Bob sing also love Arlo sing and tell stories about Bob taking care of him.

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    Bob has written some great songs, but I prefer PP&M's performance style (I know a Lightfoot song)
    NOW you tell me...

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    I also like PP&M did you know that their wedding Paul Stookey wrote it for Peter Yarrow's wedding and that was the only time he indented to sing it. Peter's wife request he do it at a concert and it went on to be a big hit. The profits of that song is donated to all religions. This is one of my favorite Arlo songs

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    I love Stewball and Polly Von

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    It's frustrating for me listening to Stewball these days as I am loosing the ability to focus on the mandolin, or whatever instrument is used. Used to be I could so very clearly hear what to my mind was its struggle to lift the mood of the song. Apparently I am loosing hearing in that pitch or something. I love how it gives everything it has, but at the end of the song, totally exhausted, it falls away having failed.

    In one of many versions of Taxi by Harry Chapin there is a similar struggle by the cello to, again, lift the mood, despatately struggling, but, again, totally exhaused, gives up in total failure.
    I can't even read music so that may not even be its intended role in the song. But that's what I hear.
    I can't find that particular recording of Taxi, but it came on the radio in my car one day as I was about to get out at a store, but had to stay and listen to the entire song. I must have cried for 10 minutes at the end. How I wish I could find it again.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Jobe View Post
    It's frustrating for me listening to Stewball these days as I am loosing the ability to focus on the mandolin, or whatever instrument is used. .... Apparently I am loosing hearing in that pitch or something. ...
    We all lose something with age. Have you tried listening with high quality headphones? I can hear so much more. Headphones are especially effective where stereo separation can direct focus.

    I bought these long ago for mixing audio and I still use them today when I really want to listen, especially when there are distractions: These are by no means the best available but still better than any earbuds.

    (Don't forget, speakers and amplifiers can lose frequencies with age too, even some new speakers are bad, and amplifiers can be easily set to ruin the sound, accidentally or on purpose.)


  12. #12
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    I just hate it when you guys post Youtube links to music and performers out of my past. I will watch it and that leads to another ... and another ... and another ... and another. Pretty soon, 2 hours have gone by and I haven't accomplished a single thing.

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    You are right, John. For the past several years I have only been using my phone and a pair of $25 headphones. I say this because one of my granddaughters was stricken with a horribly serious attack on her cerebellum by her immune system that devastated most of her motor skills and until recenty much of my time has been spent caring for her and I was afraid of not hearing her when she needed me. I have not watched any TV since that occurred, either.
    Seems I never think of upgrading to better headphones when I'm in town.
    That having been said, I am losing my hearing and most of it is spread across the frequencies of the human voice. I have cds of my favorite artist that I would love to be able to hear better, but it's been either the cheap headphones or my hearing aids.....or both, and nothing can come close to the sound quality of healthy human ears.
    Unfortunately, the combination of having worked in machine shops for 34 years, listening to music far too loud and my love of getting close enough to the top fuel dragsters when they warm them up in the pits that I could reach out and touch them has taken its toll. Ain't nothing like the sound of a fueler.
    So, I have no one to blame but myself.
    But I currently have what might be the most advanced (and expensive ) hearing aids on the market and the specialist I'm working with has spent many hours trying to program them to get the most out of them, and it just ain't getting it.
    I can't imagine the heartache it must have given Beethoven when he went deaf.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Art Mann View Post
    I just hate it when you guys post Youtube links to music and performers out of my past. I will watch it and that leads to another ... and another ... and another ... and another. Pretty soon, 2 hours have gone by and I haven't accomplished a single thing.
    I hear thee, Art. Which song took you prisoner this time?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Jobe View Post
    Unfortunately, the combination of having worked in machine shops for 34 years, listening to music far too loud and my love of getting close enough to the top fuel dragsters when they warm them up in the pits that I could reach out and touch them has taken its toll. Ain't nothing like the sound of a fueler....
    Sorry to hear about your granddaughter.

    I agree with the TV abstinence on principle - I haven't watched an hour of TV in at least 12 years now.

    I wish I had a nickle for every time someone told me about hearing loss from loud living. I cringe whenever I see cars shaking from mega-speakers, people mowing, using chain saws, running sawmills, and probably the worst, target shooting without hearing protection.

    With good headphones and a quality amplifier with a good audio equalizer you can adjust the volume various frequencies as needed. I can't judge your hearing aid specialist but I can say a good audiologist good test equipment can pinpoint the frequencies lacking. If they are gone completely you may be out of luck. When I worked for a national lab they charted everyone's hearing every year - you could easily see what was missing and what was changing.

    BTW, when out shooting varmints on the farm or working in the shop with another person I use these, I bought enough for three people in the shop at once: Especially good for varmint patrol since I can crank up the volume and hear better than with my ears. (I was skunk hunting at 2am last night) I have no idea how they would work with hearing aids.

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