Conversation Between Mark ten Haaf and Jason Tuinstra

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Mark, thanks for the offer! The move is going quite well. Today is the big day for getting some movers in, but they're mostly going to be used for my parents house - we're buying my mom and dads house in Hudsonville. All we have left is house is a couple couches and a couple beds. So we're good to go! But thank you tremendously for the offer! We decided, after all, to keep the shop where it is for right now because my sister is buying our house. We'll wait until we get settled in and it gets warmer to tackle the shop. Also, I'm going to need to setup an area in the new house to be able to handle it. So that could take a bit. Kind of a bummer. But again, thanks a lot for the offer. That's very generous!
  2. Hey, Jason! How is the moving process? I hope it is more satisfying than tedious. Are you moving your shop or your household or both? Let me know if you need a hand - I have a bunch of pickup trucks at your disposal, sir!!
  3. Yes, I'm Can/Am Reformed. I was going to ask you if you knew Bill DeJong, but I wasn't sure when he attended MARS. He preaches in our church every few months for pulpit supply, as we are vacant now. But we've been blessed with Rev. Lubbers from Covenant URC; he preaches in our church almost every Sunday afternoon, and helps with various pastoral needs. As a result, our two congregations have become quite close.
    Rev. Miller from Dutton URC has also offered to preach once per month, so we have indeed been blessed.

    I would love to drop by your shop sometime if I wouldn't be imposing. Like I said, I'm just getting started in the craft, and have been slowly gaining knowledge. I contacted a member of the forum from Clinton township in response to a mentoring offer that he posted, but Jenison is just a bit closer!
  4. You're Can-Ref/American Reformed (Dutton)? I preached this past summer in Chatham and had a great time meeting the brothers there. Also, I went to school with Bill DeJong who serves at the Can Ref in Hamilton. Wonderful group of churches. Many of my commentaries come from and are from Can Ref authors. I'm very much indebted to them in my ministry.

    Regarding handcut dovetails, I'd love to show you how I make them. I can't claim expertise, but I enjoy cutting them and I would certainly enjoy meeting up with you and helping you out in whatever way I can. The down side is that we're moving over the next few weeks - long story : ) So my shop in the next week or so is going to get packed up and shipped to Hudsonville. But cutting dovetails takes just a few tools and we're off to the races. So I'd be happy to set something up with you.

    Let me know when you have some down time and we can try and set something up.


  5. Jason, I checked out your blog - very impressive work! I aspire to reach that level, slowly but surely. I just started working with wood recently, and it seems that I'm hooked. I spend as much time as I can with it, but not as much as I'd like to. I work full time in concrete, and also go to school. I'm working on my B.A. so I can apply to our Theological College in Hamilton. If my plan matches what God has planned for me, I will begin studies there in just over 3 years - still quite a bit of work to do!
    But in the meantime, I have this wonderful new constructive hobby - I wonder if you would be interested in showing me a thing or two? I'd love to learn how to hand cut those dovetails!
  6. Mark,

    Yes, I am a member of the URC. In fact, I'm the pastor of Bethel URC on the corner of 20th and Baldwin in Jenison. I started working with wood when I attended Mid America Reformed Seminary (1998 grad). We moved back here, Jenison is my hometown, after being in Chicago and California for the last 16 or so years. Pretty cool is right! Good to make your acquaintance. If you want to check out some of the furniture I've made, I keep a little blog gallery of sorts at Kind of silly, but it's been fun to put together and keep up. Since moving back, I've only been able to make a couple projects - the second of which is almost done.


  7. Jason,
    Sorry I haven't responded to your dutch bingo question. I haven't familiarize myself with the creek enough to get into the habit of checking for messages.
    Yes, I'm sure I'm related to them all. I have quite a few cousins who attend Zion.
    Hey, this is pretty cool. I assume that you are URC if your kids go to Zion, is that right?
  8. Mark, it's dutch bingo time... My kids go to Zion Christian in Byron Center and we have a number of ten Haaf's at school. Just wondering if there's any connection?


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