Conversation Between John Fabre and David Woodruff

5 Visitor Messages

  1. I'm really enjoying it, very smooth and quiet. I don't miss the 1642 or the 1442. Have you sold your Oneway?
  2. John, How are you liking your Oneway. The sounds that it does not make are a pleasure. When the old mountain man Jeremiah Johnson said, "nothing wrong with quiet? he must have had a Oneway in mind.
  3. David, any luck on selling your Oneway, received my two weeks ago. John
  4. Not yet, I have seen pictures of your lathe on ebay and here. I already paid through a retailer that just opened an account with Oneway. Believe me, I wished I had seen yours earlier, mine doesn't have the ss bed. If something happens with mine, I will make you an offer. Have you posted your lathe on Oneway's forum?

  5. John, Do you have your Oneway yet? If not take a look at my album, for sale.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5