Conversation Between Cindy Navarro and Jon Lanier

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Jon,
    I received your pen and it is really beautiful. I will try to post a picture of it. I am not very good at picture taking. A package with your pen and some blanks is in the mail to you. Let me know that you get it. Hope this finds you well.
  2. Hi,
    You and I are paired for the 2010 Pen Swap. I was wondering if there is anything in particular that you like in a pen or pencil? Can you send me your address so that I can ship my pen to you when it is finished.
  3. Looks like we are pen exchange buddies. My email is, Address is: 6258 Grist Lane, Seaford DE 19973

    Looking forward to the exchange.

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3