The problem with some small businesses is hiring help that understands the concept of 'customer service'. I try shopping locally at the mom and pop stores. But when I walk in and ask a question, I would like some help. I don't want to see sales people hiding out avoiding me. And employees should NOT be allowed cell phones while working (and PLEASE get rid of the chewing gum!!!!). I'm willing to pay a bit more for good customer service. But give me bad service and I'll buy the product online instead of dealing with hostile clerks. I don't expect to walk into a local store and have the clerk tell me 'Oh, you'll find that item 15 aisles away' as they point in a general direction. SHOW me what I'm looking for! If I want that kind of help I can go to Walmart (which I refuse to shop at). Hire people that know the stock too. Example... went looking for a drill guide. Even in the contractor section they'd 'never heard of such'. Finally we ended up traveling 60 miles to another city to buy one because the powers that be in the local store never heard of a drill guide?!

Bad customers, I know they're out there. Just don't label ME as bad as soon as I walk in the door. I know of plenty of people that have returned things after buying them, because they only needed it for the one time usage. That's something I'll never do.