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Thread: Well Tony and Glenn here comes Jeanne

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Thomasville, GA

    Exclamation Well Tony and Glenn here comes Jeanne

    Again and again .... and once more.. Tony looks like you get the right side while Glenn and I get the eye or almost the eye.

    Tony I guess you're out gathering up relatives again. Glenn Hodges ... better tie a big rock around that Poolewood.

    You guys holler if you need any help .... and that goes for any of the rest of the FL Creekers.

  2. #2

    Not me ........

    Ken, I went to the last four hurricanes, so I'm skipping this one. It can come, but I'm not participating.

    Seriously, everyone is battened down in their own homes this time. We have my granddaughter and her sister from Pensacola with us, their home was rendered temporarily unlivable by Ivan. We'll see what happens, I'm counting on the storm being somewhat weakened by the time it gets here. Flooding shouldn't be a problem in my area, but those who live on and close to the rivers are still flooded from Frances.

    Hang in their Ken, this like everything else, will pass. If you need anything, holler.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Thomasville, GA

    Me Too

    I've decided to skip this one also ... I haven't even run an extra tub of water for the horses in case the power goes out ... even tho the map shows it being a head on shot.

    This will be 3 of the 4 for us .... Bonnie slid just below us.

    Think maybe most Floridians are worn out also .. a check of the parking lots of all the hotels in town (no ... there's really not much else to do around here) show them mainly 1/2 full and most of those are Floridians from Clay and Volusia counties ... where ever that is. LOML and I were talking tonight about how much money the Floridians have spent in the past couple of months running from 4 hurricanes ... wow.

    Holler if you need anything ... sorry bout the Pensacola troubles ... hope it gets handled quickly.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Wright
    LOML and I were talking tonight about how much money the Floridians have spent in the past couple of months running from 4 hurricanes ... wow.
    You are right Ken, there are too many folks down here, hard working middle to low income trying to raise a family, and retirees on fixed income, who simply cannot afford this. It will take some of them years to financially recover.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    SE PA - Central Bucks County
    The financial damage is what it is, but the emotional stress is really concerning me when it comes to my parents. When I spoke to dad earlier today, he was quite obviously frustrated, apprehensive and stressed out. The fact that his computer monitor went on the blink (quite literally) was not helping matters. Add to that the appointment with the adjuster later in the day to look over the damage to the roof from Frannie. Sheesh!

    The most expensive tool is the one you buy "cheaply" and often...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Saddlebrooke, AZ
    Ditto that Jim. My Mom lives in Port Orange, just south of Daytona Beach. She had roof damage a couple of hurricanes ago (Frances?). This resulted in water damage in her ceiling and walls. Spoke to her today and they had fixed the ceiling and walls but not the roof yet. would think the first thing to fix would be the roof!!! I just don't get it!!


  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Barrett would think the first thing to fix would be the roof!!!
    My sister in West Palm Beach had roof damage compliments of Frances (shingles blown off, no structural damage or leaks yet). She is on a waiting list with a roofer, approx 9 month wait until he can get to it! Sometimes you just have to do what you can.........

  8. #8

    I'm a couple hrs. north of them......

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Becker
    but the emotional stress is really concerning me when it comes to my parents. When I spoke to dad earlier today, he was quite obviously frustrated, apprehensive and stressed out.
    Jim, if there is anything I can do concerning your parents. let me know. Looks like they are going to hit again.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Thomasville, GA


    If there's something we can do to help his mom just let me know ... I'll have to get by whatever it does here first ... we've dried out pretty good so if natives here are correct we should be ok with the wind but you never know til you know.

    Dr Lyons on the weather channel just pointed out that we're apparently in the bull's eye of what's left when it gets here tomorrow night.

    Haven't heard from Glenn Hodges in Nashville GA yet .. hope his power is not already out ... he was out 55 hours with Ivan because he's in a very rural area. He's probably out in his shop with a massive grip on that Poolewood lathe ... the thing weighs in at 5-600# so he won't get blown away.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Lafayette, IN
    I'm just curious...are the Miami Dolphins a water polo team yet??

    "Don't get stuck on stupid." --Lt. Gen. Russel Honore

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Jason Roehl
    I'm just curious...are the Miami Dolphins a water polo team yet??
    No, but the Gators feel at home.

    The longer it heads west the further it will be away from me. I hope it turns north soon before Pensacola, Lord knows those folks don't need this. They are still in shock from Ivan.

    Jim, looks it it skirted S & W of your parents, let us know when you hear from them.

    Ken, guess your on call up there, hope it doesn't hit the Gulf and strengthen before heading north.

    This is why the use to name these things after women, you never know what they are going to do until after they done it! (Humor, please, no offense meant)

    PS: Just spoke with my sister in West Palm Beach, their formerly structurally sound with lots of shingles blown off Frances damaged roof is now a very leaky roof after Jeanne. No power, estimate up to three weeks to restore. My daughter and SIL in St Petersburg got up at 5 this am to board up the windows, she says the wind is picking up quickly.
    Last edited by Tony Falotico; 09-26-2004 at 9:41 AM. Reason: Added updated text

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Nashville, Georgia
    I am here and monitoring the weather channel like all the rest. I am not concerned about a few bowls, but the farmers in my area are taking a beating by not being able to harvest the peanuts and cotton. The guy on my farm is plowing up his peanuts and taking a gamble, hope he makes it. Good luck to all.
    Glenn Hodges
    Nashville, Georgia

    "Would you believe the only time I ever make mistakes is when someone is watching?"

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Thomasville, GA

    Know what you mean

    Glenn ... every facet of the economy has taken a hit of some kind I think except the hotel and restaurant biz here in T'ville. They've been on the good end of the bad curve all the FL folks have had to endure. There are many peanut fields here that have been plowed and the nuts are laying on top of the ground waiting to be gathered ... and a 50 acre cotton field across the creek from me just had its cropduster visit last Thursday. Lots of cotton but it looks strange to me ... like its been wet so much its shriveled up. Wouldn't be surprised to see all that cotton on the ground tomorrow.

    Tony ... just checked my desktop radar and looks like the first big band is in your front yard. I find that the weather reports on MSNBC are far better than the stuff they're putting out on the weather channel. Last report predicted 35-50 mph winds for us starting late afternoon ... we're probably at 20+ now.

    Hang in there Guys/Gals ... perhaps this w/b the last one for the year.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Tampa, FL
    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Becker
    The financial damage is what it is, but the emotional stress is really concerning me when it comes to my parents. When I spoke to dad earlier today, he was quite obviously frustrated, apprehensive and stressed out. The fact that his computer monitor went on the blink (quite literally) was not helping matters. Add to that the appointment with the adjuster later in the day to look over the damage to the roof from Frannie. Sheesh!

    Where does your dad live?

    James Krenov says that "the craftsman lives in a
    condition where the size of his public is almost in
    inverse proportion to the quality of his work."
    (James Krenov, A Cabinetmaker's Notebook, 1976.)

    I guess my public must be pretty huge then.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Tampa, FL
    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Wright
    Again and again .... and once more..

    Looks like the eye just passed over us here in Tampa. Not much damage here at the homestead. Four trees that were just planted last week uprooted, but they're just laying there ready to be shoved back in their holes, so that's no big deal. We also have some more loose screen on our back yard screen thingie, but it needed fixing anyhow, so that's no biggie either.

    I haven't been out and about though, so I can't speak for the rest of the area. I suspect there is more damage out there than is evident from my place though. We are in a brand new subdivision, so everything is up to the latest codes, all the trees are too small to do damage to anything, and all the roofs are too new to blow apart.

    Hope everybody else is okay.

    For those of you in Georgia, you probably won't get too much wind but you can expect plenty of rain.

    James Krenov says that "the craftsman lives in a
    condition where the size of his public is almost in
    inverse proportion to the quality of his work."
    (James Krenov, A Cabinetmaker's Notebook, 1976.)

    I guess my public must be pretty huge then.

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