30 Aug 2010

Good Morning Everyone,

Well, I've got some cleaning done in the shop, got some wood put up so I can better find the floor in my shop and my boys were kind enough to help get the area around the lathe cleaned up for me.

It's been easier to get some stuff done since the weather has turned a bit cooler. I've still got to split and put up the last bit of firewood I have stacked in my yard, it should be good and dry though since it's been stacked there a year now.

I find it amazing just how much time goes by when your lives are disrupted by critical life situations with ones own kids and cancer battles with you own parent(s). I don't mean this in a bad way, it's just that you wonder, pray, and work to do all you can do and then you find out just how much control you do "not" have over your own life. But...this alone is a book all on it's own.

I still have my daughter's hope chest to get started and finished and I'm hoping to make a few cutting boards this year as well. I guess we shall see just how much I can or can not get done due to circumstances in life and the call of work at the day job.

Well, enough crying on your shoulders....what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.