Last week I discovered a black mesh fence staked into the ground at the edge of my driveway from the street to the back of the lot. I approached my neighbor about it to see if he knows where it came from. He informed me that he put it in because he was tired of yard debris from my yard blowing into his yard and proceeded to lecture me about yard maintenance as if I was a five year old who needs to clean his room. He did not stop by and discuss it before hand, he just put up the fence.

I admit that I have been behind on my yard due to a long business trip last fall and poor health this spring. I have been working on it when my health permits and right now only the back yard needs more attention.

Am I wrong to feel slighted? At what point should I pull this fence down, given that it is on my property. I am tempted to do it now, but I am going to take the high road and leave it up for now until I get the back yard into better shape.

How would you handle this?

