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Thread: Your pet peeve?

  1. #1

    Your pet peeve?

    Okay, I admit it. Some people bother me! The first step in therapy is to admit the problem. lol

    What are some of your pet peeves?

    One of mine is pedestrians that cross the road and make no effort whatsoever to speed up when you are waiting for them to cross. Okay, so maybe crossing the street isn't so bad, but have you ever been at the BORG and people cross the driving lane and walk slower than molasses? (I am not talking elderly, but young able bodied people that just have no common courtesy to get the flip out of the way)

    How about people that don't pay attention at a stop light and are still sitting there after the light turns green because they are too caught up in themselves to pay attention.

    Thanks. I am glad I got this off my chest! lol

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Escondido, CA
    Talk Show political pundits who make things up each day, get people to repeat it, and call it truth.
    Veni Vidi Vendi Vente! I came, I saw, I bought a large coffee!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Beautiful Lexington, SC
    1) Folks the can't seem to stay with the flow of traffic.
    2) Using the phone while driving .... if you're capable of doing it safely then that's fine, however, so many are not and those are truly a hazard. That peeves me off.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Southern Kentucky
    People to lazy to work for a living ---the ones who would rather sit on their hands and wait for thier montly payday.

    Yup--I feel better
    ---I may be broke---but we have plenty of wood---

  5. #5 about drivers that don't stop for pedestrians at crosswalks, but will stop for jaywalkers???

  6. #6
    I have too many to mention. I've developed what I think is a healthy, though general, disdain for most people. My wife is a psychologist. She had a general love for people but as time goes on she's coming around to my point of view. I think there are generally too many people packed in too tightly and it makes people act like idiots...anonymity makes people act like idiots, pushing everyone of my myriad peeves in rapid succession. They may be wonderful people, but in a crowd at the grocery store, they're just one more obstacle, with irritating habits, standing between me and my blessed, quiet home off in the woods.

  7. #7
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    Middle Tennessee
    Quote Originally Posted by Brian Kent View Post
    Talk Show political pundits who make things up each day, get people to repeat it, and call it truth.
    +1 Those shows are similar to those forwarded emails. To bad, there's no equivalent of Snopes.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Saint Helens, OR

    I heard it on the radio or saw on the TV so it has to be true. Really! Why would they make this stuff up?

    2nd Pet Peeve -

    Pedestrians that enter the cross walk on the Don't Walk sign. They haven't figured out this is the pedestrians version a yellow light. I've sat at many a light in downtown Portland trying to make a (legal) turn on a red light only to have to wait for a pedestrian that entered the crossing on Don't Walk. I'm convinced the majority a clueless.
    Measure twice, cut three times, start over. Repeat as necessary.

  9. #9
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    Monroe, MI
    Telemarketers. Though I recently found out a way to actually strike back and three have actually sent me checks (one more than once) as well as apology letters signed by the CEO/president/owner. So that peeve might be turning into a hobby.

  10. #10
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    Oh my, there are sooooo many. I'll spring off the "slow pedestrians" you mentioned in the OP. The folks who walk down the middle of the "road" in parking lots kill me. Where were they raised that they are unaware that parking lots are for pedestrians AND cars. There is plenty of room. Just move to the side!

    Oh, and crosswalks? I work on a University campus. The future leaders of our world are a bunch of lame-o's when it comes to personal safety The number of near misses I see is unbelievable. I'll bet 5% of them don't make it to graduation due to physical injury

    Oh, and telemarketers? I pretend I am interested for about 15 seconds and then ask them to hold on; I go back to whatever I was doing and then hang the phone up the next time I think about it. I really don't get many telemarketer calls any more (???).
    Last edited by glenn bradley; 05-15-2011 at 11:37 AM.
    "A hen is only an egg's way of making another egg".

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  11. #11
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    Collin County Texas

    Police at wrecks

    The police! I support their doing their job, but it seems that they go out of their way at an accident to just gum things up. You end up with about 4 or 5 police cars arriving at the scene with the sole goal of seeing how much of the highway they can block. And then, most of them stand around watching the emts work or the wreckers load the vehicle.

    Yes, they should be sure that there is no further accidents due to the initial one. But, in most cases they can and should DIRECT TRAFFIC AROUND the scene, not further complicate the environment. Police cruisers should have flashing lights that say maintain 20 mph or 30 or 40 mph. I agree that there are dire cases where this is not possible, and traffic must be stopped, but I suspect that is less than 10%.

    I feel better already.
    Best Regards, Ken

  12. #12
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    Fort Smith, Arkansas
    Impatient drivers who think pedestrians are just in the way of their right to drive totally unimpeded. Whats up with those people?
    My three favorite things are the Oxford comma, irony and missed opportunities

    The problem with humanity is: we have paleolithic emotions; medieval institutions; and God-like technology. Edward O. Wilson

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by John Coloccia View Post
    I have too many to mention. I've developed what I think is a healthy, though general, disdain for most people. My wife is a psychologist. She had a general love for people but as time goes on she's coming around to my point of view. I think there are generally too many people packed in too tightly and it makes people act like idiots...anonymity makes people act like idiots, pushing everyone of my myriad peeves in rapid succession. They may be wonderful people, but in a crowd at the grocery store, they're just one more obstacle, with irritating habits, standing between me and my blessed, quiet home off in the woods.
    I feel better that I am not the only one that feels this way!

    And... to the list, I would like to add people on the freeway that do not know how to merge when they are approaching from an on-ramp. It is their responsibility to yield, but they just seem to pull in wherever they want and cause the people on the freeway to have to move over or slow down to avoid hitting them. Yes, moving over is polite, but if people knew how to merge it wouldn't be necessary!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Savannah, GA
    Quote Originally Posted by John Coloccia View Post
    I have too many to mention. I've developed what I think is a healthy, though general, disdain for most people. My wife is a psychologist. She had a general love for people but as time goes on she's coming around to my point of view. I think there are generally too many people packed in too tightly and it makes people act like idiots...anonymity makes people act like idiots, pushing everyone of my myriad peeves in rapid succession. They may be wonderful people, but in a crowd at the grocery store, they're just one more obstacle, with irritating habits, standing between me and my blessed, quiet home off in the woods.
    Ditto . . . except that I don't have a wife or a quiet home in the woods.

    Additionally, baby strollers. I know, I'm a terrible person.

    People who insist on talking on the phone while grocery shopping.

    Parents who allow their children to scream and yell for no good reason. In my book there are very few good reasons other than fire or personal injury.

    “Life is not so short but that there is always time enough for courtesy and chivalry.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Everybody knows what to do with the devil but them that has him. My Grandmother
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    I didn't change my mind, my mind changed me.
    Bella Terra

  15. #15
    Dog, cat, monkey, hampster... rock.

    Can't say I ever owned a peeve.

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