- Grizzly G1022 (no pics, and seems overpriced from my looking into other people who have bought thesehttp://minneapolis.craigslist.org/hn...532846328.html - No used contractor is worth $400. I am not so familiar with old Grizzly numbers but the fence is probably a jetlock style or worse.-

- 34-444 for $290: http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/ws...528301057.html - Same jetlock fence and steel wings as the model 10 you were looking at

- 62-042 for $200: http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/da...524602820.html - Same jetlock fence and steel wings as the model 10 you were looking at

- Model 10 for $350 (50" fence/table extension): http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/ra...509166454.html Only saving grace is the Unifence, which I don't like but a lot of people love. It still has one steel wing. I wouldn't give more than $200-250 if I really was desperate for it.