I have the Monster and use the Hunter cutter for the finish cut just as everyone else - at 45 degrees. It really makes a smooth finish. However, I was very comfortable with it before getting the Monster, as I have been using the Eliminator, which is a Hunter carbide cutter on a tapered shaft with flats at 45 degrees. As with the Monster cutter, there is no bevel to rub, just very light cuts for smoothing. I have also found it to work with heavier cuts on end grain hollowing pretty well if you use the front edge as a shear cut instead of the side (bottom) edge. Not as grabby that way.

I have also adapted the Monster to use the flat circular carbide cutter like the EWT style. It works great and of course stays sharp longer than the traditional square cutter. Unlike the Hunter, which is dished and much sharper, the flat carbide cutter is presented horizontal and is not grabby when used that way.

Hope this is not preaching to the choir, just wanted to pass along my thoughts.
