I must admit that when I read the OPs story I thought to myself "how'd he manage that?" I often have my whole arm in the planer scooping out shavings (DC in the works and desperately needed) and I find it pretty hard to forget that there are some rather sharp things in close proximity.

Well, seems the tool spirits got wind of my mocking thoughts and came to teach me a lesson...


Like that... Sneaky devils, strike when you least expect it.. I caught myself daydreaming whilst cutting small pieces at the bandsaw or with my fingers the wrong side of a chisel tip a few times today. Then a cordless drill and a screw decide to bite a chunk out of my finger. Like most accidents it happened so quick and unexpectedly I am not sure what exactly ate me, either the bent screw (was screwing a "pin" for a wooden handle on threaded rod and I guess the holes weren't perfectly aligned, the screw caught on the rod and doubled up under the torque!) or the driver bit, don't know.
A neighbour helped me out with a tincture of alcohol and herbs, which burnt like crazy 5 secs then switched of the pain till this evening I'm accident prone, I think I will buy the bottle from her.

Anyway, wasn't intended to be a "I got a scar too" reply, but folks seem to have admitted a morbid fixation with injury pics so just thought I'd share