Quote Originally Posted by paul cottingham View Post
Yep. And for the record, I hate the new interface in Ubuntu almost as much as I hate vista or windows 7.
That's all? Spend a few minutes on Ubuntuforums.org. You'd think Unity is what will really bring about the end of days . Larry, if you want to tinker and still have a working Windows box, there are ways to run Linux (and yes, Ubuntu is excellent for the non-initiated, as is Linux Mint, an Ubuntu spinoff) either from a CD/DVD or from a USB flash drive. As long as you don't choose "install", it will not touch your hard drive or windows install. Wired networking will probably work from the 'Live session' wireless may or may not. For anyone considering a new machine and wanting to tinker with Linux, going all Intel is a safe choice. Intel graphics, Intel networking "just work" for the most part. I have non-Intel and most things 'just work' but things that don't can send you in search of your largest hammer.