Hi folks,

I have the new Oneida Dust Gorilla Portable (2hp). It has a 6" port. So, I use an adapter to permanently connect 5" hose (I know, I should use 6", but 5" is what I've got).

I work out of a shed, where I roll the machines outside when I need to use them, so everything I have is portable or on wheels. No permanent hose connections like youguyswith fancy shops

Each of my machines have different size ports (120mm, 2.5", or 4"), so, I've adapted them to the 5" hose. But I'd like to be able to quickly connect the hose to the machines and disconnect without using hose clamps. I've seen the Rockler system, but it's for 4" hose.

Are there 5" solutions? How do you quickly disconnect/connect our hose between machines?