Quote Originally Posted by Peter Kelly View Post
The pheromone bait for those traps is pretty useless but the overall design isn't bad. The keys to getting them to work is filling them with either cider vinegar or apple juice, sugar and decaying insects. I had a real problem with those big, nasty European Hornets destroying my Lilac bushes last year and was having a hard time nabbing them. Once I switched to cider and sugar I found that the more dead Yellowjackets there were in the traps, the more Hornets I got. Disgusting picture here but with the right bait, they work pretty well.

I put several of them up last week and got a pretty big one. Hopefully it's a queen.


Peter, you da man! We've been using apple cider vinegar for a little over a month. Ours look about like yours in terms of quantity but we are also getting a lot of flies. We are seeing very few wasps/horents/yellowjackets but lots of bees around some perennials. And I've seen exactly one fly in the house so far knock on wood. I'm thinking of buying another trap or two. And I forgot about the sugar so we'll have to add that too.