for a refresher course. i have three larger planes ( larger than a block plane?) that need a little "re-freshing". Not really a "Restoration", just more of a cleanup, and sharpen up thingy. ( WARNING! None of these are by either L/N, nor L/V) The terrible trio?SDC14030.jpgSDC14031.jpg "hey, good looking" Like I said, these need a little refreshing. The Union #5A is first up, I'll get to the other two as I go this week. I stripped things down to just parts. I have a small wire cup (Brass) about 1" in diameter in the drill press. I got rid of all the crud, both the kind you can see, and a bunch underneath the parts. Handles ( NOT Rosewood, it begims with an M) got a bath in BLO, three times! Can you say DRY? Frog , and all the bolts got a good cleaning as wellSDC14033.jpgSDC14034.jpg iron was flattened back up, and sharpened back up. BLO was dried up, so time to put things back together..SDC14032.jpg at least the handles look better? Put the iron back in, adjusted everything to make a cut or two, in some Hickory I am trying to joint the edges on...SDC14035.jpgand made some MOXXON TP.

One down, i have already started on #2. And, IF anybody wants me to, I'll post pictures of THAT one, tomorrow. A Resurrected DE#6c , that's the one in the back of the three plane picture.