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Thread: diamond compound on diamond stone ???

  1. #1

    diamond compound on diamond stone ???

    recently i bought two DMT diamond stones, 325 and 1200 from there i continue to 8000 waterstone.
    with all talking about diamond stones wearing fast, i thought of puting diamond compound of same grit, so the stone will be somthing between diamond stone and honing plate
    what you think, it can work ?

  2. #2
    Wait until the stone is worn out before you do it. The plating is nickel, and it's really hard, so until you wear it off and tear the diamonds loose, it's not going to work like you expect it to. And there's no reason to put loose diamonds on it and abrade off the nickel plate if it's still good.

    So, use it as it is with the diamonds in place, and when you're no longer satisfied with it, then charge it with diamonds in a size that you like.

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